why is my bf watchin porn everyday!?



  • Occasionally I will catch my husband watching porn and he gets this stupid surprised look on his face. LOL it's so funny! I don't mind him catching a glimpse once in a while, but if he were doing it on a daily basis that would bother me.
  • @AaKmommy I'm not sure if all men masturbate. My husband says he doesn't. I will tell him all the time to go masturbate when he's horny and I want to be left alone but he says he won't do it because it's not the same. Don't know why he would lie about it when I tell him its okay.
  • I watch porn myself,and it isn't because I'm not attracted to my husbund. But I will admitt that one time I looked at my husbands history and it made me feel a little funny because I compaired myself to the girls he was looking at and it messed with my head for a couple weeks,so I simply asked him to please erase the history. He does and I'm not even slightly bothered. Out of sight out of mind sorta thing. But its 100% normal and even if he was married to a porn star he would still watch it lol.
  • Chicks with d****s ? Whooo don't know if I could let that one slide. Lol
  • Lol this is all funny I'm laughing so loud my husband is waking up lmao Ok so personally I kinda felt jealous and insecure when I found a dvd that was my hubbys even after we watched it I was still mad I turned him off lol but he did it behind my back later and once..this is personal don't tell him..(lol) he cheated on me, when he told me I was mad he felt bad so we broke up, he wanted me back said he wouldn't watch porn so we got back but he was turning regular t.v. shows into porn(in his head of course) he would hide magazines like a teenager does from his mom and that's when I realized it hurt more when he cheated on me now he's trying not to cheat and now I feel bad.. so recently okay this is how I got preggo for the third time lol we agreed to watch em together and it helped us.. if he watches them now which he can't really unless its night time we have two boys I wouldn't mind cuz sometimes being pregnant makes sex diffrent for both so bottom line it doesn't bother me anymore he watches them with me or without as long as he still loves me especially enough to not pass me an STD (which r sum consequences of cheating) that's another reason why I'm all for the fantasies than the real stuff.. da real stuff he can only do that wit me! lol :) hope dat helped...
  • My fiance does that too only sense I been pregnant n it really makes me mad n hurts my feelings
  • Okay, this may be TMI but I know that my sex drive died down a bit and my husband has never been really into porn. So, I let him film us and he keeps it in a very safe place when he needs to "have fun". He was attracted to me prior to being pregnant, duh, that's what got us to this point(LOL), but now he loves every aspect of what this pregnancy has done to my body and wanted to take some "naughty tasteful" pics and I obliged. Maybe try something different like that. I know I feel like a beached whale some days but my husband makes me feel like the most gorgeous woman in this world.
  • I took some pix for him but he deleted them.... Idk if it was on purpose or not
  • My husband watches porn sometimes.i hav no problem witg it as hes not actually every gna meet the women.and I trust him and I kbo how much we love each other :-)
  • My husband watches it and I'm fine with it because he is not obsessed with sex. Prior to marrying my husband I was in a serious relationship with a man who was additcted to porn. It was so bad he would be like a kid in the candy store going on you tube to find the videos that the you tube police haven't found yet. The icing on the cake and tmi graphic but when I would give him a blow job he would have to be watching porn on his laptop and take matters into his own hands to finish. He ruined my self esteem. Now to me excessive porn watching is a huge red flag. I'm so glad I'm out of that relationship
  • thank you lol @lil_buggie_3
    haha kinda random but that remind me of Ryan off of never back down.. he is a jerk like that.. course just in general it sees not like in a sexual way
    okay I've rambled long enough lol ((;
  • Thank god my boyfriends not into porn or strip clubs, I don't think I would be that mad if he watched it but everyday is a lot! I have gone with him to the strip club in the past and all he said is this is dumb why do I want to pay to watch these girls when your so much hotter then any of them...and has never been back, he said its not his scene which I love :)
  • Thanks for everyones input, i wish i could b ok with it and im not, like i confronted my bf about it n he said its normal and im weird for being mad. And that he likes freaky stuff n im not into it he said he likes whores i was like omg r u kidding ms who says that n he brought up this ex girl of his n said thats why i liked her so much bc she did everything in the book n thay im classy n he cant change the way i am but hes ok w it. ... uhhhhhh i feel like crap right now.
  • @nikkie I feel ur pain I'm not ok with it either mine just says its cause he is very visual err that pisses me off the most just makes me feel like I'm not good enough
  • My husband used to everyday and one night we were in bed and he blew me off to watch it and it really hurt my feelings so i just explained to him how it made me feel and he hasn't done it since. I didn't mind it at first but once it came to ignoring me to watch it is when i had enough
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