are scaring me. We have another tornado advisory by me, severe thunderstorm, and strong winds. My house is so cheaply made I hope it doesn't get too bad. Wish hubby was home. Hope anyone who lives out in Alabama is okay.
we keep getting them in Ohio too! bad wind storm right now! keep safe! tornadoes scare the poop outta me... Usually if I have a nightmare it involves tornadoes!
I live in nc so we just had this happen the other week and now again. I think its passing my town now but still nervous. That one in Alabama was nuts. I can't believe it
I live in MN but I know what you ladies are talking about, we had 17 touch down in one day last year just in my area, it was super scary. I hate tornadoes! Thunderstorms don't bother me one bit but tornadoes are another story, Iam deathly afraid of them.
Be safe everyone. I'm in new york and got caught in the 2 tornados that passed through the city last summer and I was terrified. And I'm sure that doesnt compare to what is happen. I can't image what everyone us going through. Praying for everyone safety.
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in that area. I live in phoenix and we don't get that stuff here thankfully but we do get 115 to 120 degree weather and that's more than enough to deal with. I am from Minnesota so I do understand what its like to be in a tornado and its the scariest thing I've ever experienced. My thoughts are with you guys.
We in Iowa are thinking about all of those being affected by the recent tornadoes! I'm so sorry for all those that have lost their homes and town was hit by an EF5 tornado in 2008 two people were killed, exactly two weeks later there was massive flooding and the rest of our town was wiped of our neighboring towns was also hit by the EF5 and 1/4 of their town was destroyed and 5 people killed! So our hearts go out to everyone being affected right now!!!
@AandK1031 im in Sanford right outside Fayetteville. It calmed down a lot, but im still paranoid. @sands3 ohh my mom lives out there. Time to let her know just in case.
Im still freaked out from the tornado that hit the other week.
Im in NE Alabama we don't have power but didn't get any damaga thankfully. My hubby is gone to a neighboring county to help. Of course after he called me selfish for not going. But i feel like i would be in the way.
@ghettobetty this weather is nuts!!! I hear the word tornado and I panic.
I live in nc so we just had this happen the other week and now again. I think its passing my town now but still nervous. That one in Alabama was nuts. I can't believe it
doesnt compare to what is happen. I can't image what everyone us going through. Praying for everyone safety.
@sands3 ohh my mom lives out there. Time to let her know just in case.
Im still freaked out from the tornado that hit the other week.