what is the worse thing that happend to you during birth??



  • @theswift4 my dr is paranoid. He doesn't allow any vbacs. He FORCES c sections on people when not needed, even first time mothers. Im stuck with this dr though. I have no way out, but Imma find a way around the c section thing. I had the bikini cut. Less risk involved.
  • Baby #1 started labor on tuesday had her on Sunday.she ripped me and then scratched me on her way out and had to get stitches #2 got epidural and contractions stopped had to get pitocin which made it a 1000xs worse and epidural didn't work.#3 really not so bad.#4 had to be induced it was horrible and excruciating not only did I rip but he was 10lbs and I couldnt get him out so everyone is screaming at me to push and nurse jumped on me and was pushing on my stomach to get him out.there must have been 10 nurses in there.he was blue and didn't scream I swear he wasn't breathing but everyone say she was.not only that when I was forced to have an epidural as soon as I layer down I had my 1st gallbladder attack n was having trouble breathing and no on believed me....baby #5 better be like #3
  • I wanna experience vaginal birth
  • @Steph_Due_101611 I say go for it I wish I could I think u will regret it if u don't try.
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  • I was 8 days past due when they induced me. I had started dialating and effacing around 38 wks, even contracting off and on, but my body decided that I would not go into labor. At the time of induction, I was 2cm & 80%. At 4cm, they broke my water, not painful just very ackward, and the contractions got harder. Once the back labor kicked in, we realized he was posterior (facing up instead of down) so his spine was pushing on my spine...it was time to get and epidural. lol It took 3 hours of physical pushing with the help of a vacuum & forceps and feeling everything as the epi only took away the back pain, although I didn't notice the tear over the pain of crowning.
    By the time he took his first breath, the doctor was already pushing on my stomach to rush the placenta out. I wasn't very aware as to what was going on at the time, but I remember getting a shot to stop bleeding and feeling sick. Then he stiched me up and it's an ugly scar and ya, no one sees it, but it still bothers me. Later, my exhusband told me that I was basically bleeding out or as he put it, "Kris, there was blood all over the floor." Which probably explains why I felt sick and threw-up shortly after they were done stitching. Did I mention the size of his noggin...10 & 1/2 inches! I walked down to the nursery shortly after we were moved into post partum and they nurse literally said, "How are you walking? We saw the size of his head!". lol Nothing will stop a mother from seeing her baby! :)

    The best advice I have is to not worry about what could go wrong. Be prepared that labor & delivery is a very physical, emotional, unsexy yet amazingly beautiful thing and that you will feel no greater love than that of the love for your child.
  • My first child I went 3 weeks early. I'm glad I made it that far. They had do stop my contractions at 6 months numerous times, I was put on bed rest. I went to the docs in a Monday and he felt and said she was head down. Then the next day I started contracting at 6 am went to the hospital at 6 pm still nothing. Dilated to a 7 then they were gonna break my water and said it seemed weird, did an u/s and she was breech. No epidural yet. They tried to flip her with their hands on my belly and no luck. So they did a csection. She came out, thought everything was fine, then an hour or so later my husband shows me pictures, her ear was folded I freaked. She was breech for a while. Then he said to me, the doc says her hip will get better with time. WTH, she had hip displaysia. 7.4 lbs She is all better now and a great 5 yr old. My son was great, got a little infection with my second csection, but the scar is still fine looking. Hope things go awesome with this one.
  • Wow god bless u guys...u guys r strong mothers ni look up to people like you i hope i dont over scare myself when its time to deliver
  • The worst thing that happened to me was they induced me with pitocin so my contractions were harder and when I while I was pushing the OB had 4-6 people physically pick me up and lay me on my back even though I was squatting with the squat bar in the middle of a contraction. I was pissed!!!
  • I was in labor 20 hrs with my first. Th worst thing that happened was I literally puuked my baby out. The dr was across the hall delivering a baby. She had to stop and run over to me bc I was puking so much she was flying out! Then I was so sick I was sedated for about 13 hrs.
    My second I was in labor for 9 hrs. The worst thing that happened? When my son was coming out he wasn't breathing bc he was so big that he got stuck. But all ended fine :) waiting on number 3!
  • My doctor did break my water n I was pushing her out at the same time n the nurse did believe me she was coming out
  • i was in labor 14.5 hours with my first and the scariest thing that happend to me was when they told his heart rate kept flaucting ( going up and down ) and he wasnt getting enough oxygen .
  • my ex ( worse baby daddy ever by far)...with my first baby told me to shut the f up & stop crying when i was in labor. ontop of that being in labor for 21 hours was not fun.
  • Yes im gonna try it withput the druhs.....n i hope u slapped the hell outta him for talking to u like that
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