
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone experinced this when I clean or bend over a lot a bleed alittle.iam 10 weeks.


  • I've never experienced it... But I have heard of that happening a lot... I would tale it easy and try not to overdo stuff.
    If it increases than I would call the doc... Or if you start cramping bad.
  • Thanks it stopped after I propped my feet up. My mom is staying with me so she told me to stop cleanning she would do it
  • Yeah for Moms! :)
  • I know dont know what I would do without her she is helping.with our 2 older kids cause one of our children is a special needs .
  • I have had that b4 my doc told me to squit n bend knees never jus bend over ...n listen to ur body if its tired stop n rest nothing more important then ur now 17 wks an followed.all instructions n have bleed.again since 8wks feelin great
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