My son has excema very bad he is 2yrs old and been having it since about 3 months. His doctor told me use Dove soap, Cerva cream or aquaphor & wash his clothes in Tide free & clear. She even prescribed him Desonide lotion. I think I spelled that right.
Its hard my son has had severe excema since birth and its hard to get something to work properly my dr said one tea spoon of benadryl or claritin to stop the itching and just alot of frangrance free lotion.....
My 2 year old son has eczema and we use a prescription 2% hydrotizone cream, it clears like a miracle. And he is only allowed baby bath soap every other bath, even if it is "hypoallergenic".
My son had this and my step daughter came to me with it horrible! I am managed to get in under control being very strict with my daily/night routine. Every day at least once but try for 3 times a day I apply cortizone cream to all her bad spots.... Her eye lid is one of them then I thickly apply cetephil lotion. bath time should be limited! and only use fragrance and dye free soaps! Dove makes a great one and Suave has a great shampoo for kids! Also laundry soap no fragrance or dyes... All free and clear or purex free and clear. It's very important to not use fragrance or dyes with stuff touching their skin! Summer time 50 proof sunblock! the sun irritates the skin and apply often! I use a baby hypoallergenic sunblock. I swear by doing this because I have managed to pretty much get rid of my sons skin problems and my step daughter rarely has problems anymore! Good luck!
My daughter had severe eczema on her cheeks from birth to 18 months, prescription steroids were the only thing that cleared it up... for her body I have prescription steroid cream and we use Cetaphil and Aveeno body wash and Eucerin and Triple Cream lotions.
I had eczema when I was young, and it's flaring up again since I'm pregnant. My dr gave me high percentage hydrocortizone when I was young, and it helps so so much. Cetaphil moisturizing cream is what I use now (since I'm preg and can't use steroids), along with Dermarest - Eczema Medicated Moisturizer (it's steroid free). Together, they calm, soothe, and clear up my eczema. But you have to avoid scratching after you put the Dermarest on because you can only use it 3-4 times a day and if you scratch, it's hard to get the itch to stop again after. But, of course, you can use the Cetaphil cream as often as you want. So it helps when you can't use the dermarest again. (that, and the Cetaphil doesn't smell like boo-boo... lol)