feel like i have the whole world on my shoulder

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I swear the only person that's giving me strength is my baby! I want to break down & cry sooo bad. No one understands me, I literally don't have no friends and boyfriend; just feel like he only thinkin about himself....yesterday was my birthday which I spend it in bed the whole day due to being in the hospital around midnight on the 26, this is not the first time being there actually been rush to the hospital 5 times in two months...and doctors just keep tellin me the same thing my babyboy has a 5o/5o chances of surviving and there's nothing they can do nor i,; on the good side I found out the gender of my lil one on the 26 evening at my private doctor which is a blessing.....my baby showing me how strong and determine he is to survive which I adore to the fullest....like I said in my previous discussions I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy which only worries me the most...its sooo hard I'm trying my best to stay strong ...can't hold it in anymore :-(


  • It's ok to cry if you need too! I'm sorry your going through a high risk pregnancy without much support :( Keep positive thoughts that your boy will beat those odds!!
  • @Jaime77 thanks sweetie
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