small baby daddy rant

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So my son, who is biracial mostly favors his dad, with few detectable traits from myself. So tonight my hubby took a pic of him and I think he looks like me in the pic. So I say so and he of course makes a stupid face and says "umm if you think so". But he does this all the time and not once has ever acknowledged a single trait that my son carries of mine. It would be nice if just once he was like you know he really has your eyes, or forehead, lol for all I care.

Needless to say I'm emotional and feel like crying now. STUPID MEN!!


  • Lol its the hormones.
  • Lol. I'm sure it is but he does it all the time so its even worse now.
  • OMG my mother in law does this! My son had red hair when he was born and I said I did too aww he takes after me. She was like ummmm I had red hair, its from,me. Wtf??? He got my blue eyes, not my hubbys brown. She says oh thats from,my side of the family. Omg, I feel like asking her if I pushed him out or she did. Pisses me off!
  • Just tell him... its always mommys baby and daddys maybe! He doesn't need to look like you cause he came from you and that means waaay more!
  • edited April 2011
    Lol just give him that....i think its bc we get to experience pregnancy and they want something to brag about.

    The u/s lady was like "awwww he looks like mommy" & my husband goes "nope you just can't see" lol and he constantly says how our son is gonna like him better blah blah....i just say "yah you are prob right". Lol but anybody else with sense knows the truth.

    Itll be just breath
  • @tiff87124 yah I know that's why I'm just like.....yah baby youre prob right. Lol everybody knows I'm gonn as be the favorite especially since I'm gonna be a stay at home mom.
  • @tiff87124 awwwwww.....i can't wait for those moments.
  • @tiff87124 you are making me so anxious.
  • @tiff87124 yah. Now I can't wait to see him now.
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