whos going to breast feed and who's not.

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
i have to kids i could get the first one to latch on so i didn't breast feed, but after i had my son I still didn't cause i guess it was a habit, m daughter was so i didn't for my second, but this is my 3rd and finally, so i am not sure if i should or not?


  • I am. I breastfeed all my kids for at least 6 months. Its a great way to take off preg. Weight.
  • I breastfed my first three and this one will be too
  • Me. I'm not paying for something I make for free! B-)
  • I breastfed my youngest one and never lost the weight. I guess it works for some people though. I'm not nursing this one because i plan on going to work after my baby boy is born.
  • i kind of want that bond with my baby, what what about when u need to go out , I don't know if i could breast feed infront of people? and doesn't pumping take forever?
  • I didn't w my first bc he wouldnt latch on and I must admit I was kind of happy bc I was kind of freaked out by the thought of it. Then my second came along and she latched right on and believe it or not I absolutely loved breast feeding and the coseness it brought. I am deff going to do it w my newest son due in aug. My first son was sick non stop and my daughter to this day at three has never been to the doc for a sick visit so I honestly believe it has huge benefits!
  • Im breast feeding its so much easier than making bottles in the middle of the night. Breast fed the other 3 so this one will be too
  • edited April 2011
    I am unable to breastfeed for a long time, even with the pills they give you to help your milk comes in, mine never does. So if I do breastfeed and pump exclusively my milk only lasts 3 weeks tops, so I will do it just until my milk dries up again. My daughter is now 15 months old and formula fed, never once been sick or had an ear infection. :)
  • pumping is really easy. I rented a really good pump from the hospital for like fifteen a mth and pumped so much milk my entire freezer was full of it and I had enough to feed her til she was six mths old but be careful bc I was pumping and feeding so much my boobs were over producing milk for a while and it was very uncomfortable to be so full. They produce what they use do my boobs must of thought I was feeding like ten babies!! :)
  • I'm definitely going to try!
  • I am only till I go back to work so only about 6 weeks. Got too much going on to mess with breast pumps which don't work for me!
  • I fed my last 2 16months n ill e feeding this one as long as I can
  • I bf my last two and plan bf my twins this time. When my work schedule got to crazy I had to supplement w formula, but w twins Im honestly too lazy to worry about making and cleaning bottles. Plus, I could care less about nursing in public. My baby will eat whenever they need too. If someone gets offended too bad.

    Anyone who wants to bf and has issues check out The Leaky B@@b on facebook!!! Love their advice and the kindness and common courtesy that every displays on the posts.

    I've been so inspired that after my babies are born Im going to go back to school and become a lactation consultant. There is way to much misinformation being passed around as the truth. If you have questions Ill try to help but if I cant I will point you in the right direction.
  • My first I b.f. 7 1/2 mo. My second (concieved while b.f. #1) I b.f. 3 mo.he was getting my blood bc of a horrible infection. I hope to b.f. this one at lest 6 mo. Minimum. It depends on my demands.
  • This is my first lol lil bundle of joy :) &,im breastfeeding...as a matter a fact that's wat I'm doing rite nite lol... He's only 3 wks,& is hard & painful!!! But alllll wrth it! :)
  • This is my 2nd child an i plan on breastfeeding i didnt with my 1st kuz tha labor wuz so painful an i felt them put tha stiches n me so i wuznt tryn 2 go thru ne more pain after that.As lng as tha same thang doesnt happen this time i will b breastfeeding
  • i Def will be breastfeeding my 1st child for at least 6 months.
  • Nursing shouldn't be all that painful. If the baby latches properly there should be no pain.
  • I'm breast feeding it quick cheap and bonding time...on average it take 15 minutes to breast feed!!!
  • I didn't breastfeed my son because recovering from a c-section was harder than I thought and when I decided to try ny milk was all dried up. This time around I know what to expect so its a toss up. I just want to do it to help me lose weight faster.
  • I'm bottle feeding first 2i couldn't emergencys n no milk... I still have a special bond w my son no. Matter what people say just because u don't breast feed doesn't mean u wont have that bond.....anyhow I. Want mu son and hubby family friends to get to enjoy feedings as well.
  • I pumped for my son for 3 mo by stopped do to some issues. I felt like he was cheated out of a better chance. He was born @ 26 & 2/7 wks. So I determined to nd my daughter she is now 10 mo & still bf just not near as much. I want to bf her @ least a yr maybe longer with the next it just depends on the baby.
  • I breast fed my first 2 for 8 months but I had both breasts removed 8 years ago so will have to bottle feed this one :-(
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  • My lactation consultant said my daughter latched great but I was still sore for the 1st mo or 2 till they toughened up. The consultant told my they might have to toughen up some mine r somewhat sensitive normally.
  • This is my 4th . Never breastfed never will. I really don't think not breast feeding makes u bond any less. I mean u still r loving n nuturing ur child. Even though they r not hooked to u. I hate when people try to make u feel like less of a mother because u use formula.
  • I breast fed all my children. I have a 13yr old, a 9yr old and 6yr old twins. I will be breastfeeding this one too:)
  • @urmomwasright: i totally agree.
  • Im NOT breastfeeding. No offence but from what i have always seen with breastfed kids are they are so clingy n whiny and also i feel they are not as smart as kids that r formula fed. Just my opinion bash if u want but thats just how i feel
  • I nursed my 1st for 1 year, my 2nd for 6 months + supplemented from the begining. I worked with both and pumped. I plan to do the same for this lil one. Nothing like free food.
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