did she really?!

edited April 2011 in Breastfeeding
My daughter was brought into our room from the nursery to nurse...she latched on and ate for all of 5 mins...then went right back to sleep! Really...that was it?! She had me awakened for basically a swallow of milk! I love her so much!


  • That's cute! :)
  • Make sure they haven't fed her, AND it sucks, but if she needs to eat, ya gotta wake her up. With my kids (per lactation consultant) I undressed them, and sometimes even had to wipe their bodies down with a baby wipe. Good luck, and I'm happy you chose to breastfeed! Its a wonderful bonding experiance :) oh, and enjoy your precious bby girl :)
  • Our hospital is "on demand" feeding. She is so sleepy!
  • When babies are first born, their tummys are tiny. They can only hold a couple of teaspoons at a time, but they get much bigger after just a couple days.
  • Aww I remember when mine did that, she'd wake me up to feed, and then only take a few drinks then fall right asleep, she'd do that what felt like a million times a night, now shes a chunky one year old that loves to eat,
  • My son did that for 2 weeks. Lazy bum all he did was sleep and we couldn't wake him had to put ice cubes on his feet. Turned out I was producing to much milk and had to pump before I nursed
  • @camommy that is so this lil one. Since getting home she has eaten twice...otherwise sleeping! And my milk has come in so...ow!
  • nice.. sometimes all they need is mommys comforting arms :X
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