Close friend just had a c-section at 23 weeks!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I feel so shell shocked! Here I am thinking we will be pregnant together during the summer and she had to have a c-section last night because she was dilated to a 6 and they could not stop the contractions!! I know everyone is different and I am only 10 weeks but this has me so nervous. I can’t imagine what she is actually going threw. But her baby is strong and breathing on her own 1lb 13 oz…..I’ve got 208 days left this is going to be sooooo long….


  • Omg! Imma keep ur friend in my prayers! How scary! Its good that her baby is breathing on her own! That's a miracle! Be there for her! She's gonna need all the support possible!
  • I wish I could be there for her! I am in Indiana and she is in I can't be as close as I want :-(
  • i know it might not be much at the moment, but you and i are only about 4 days apart in our pregnancy. i'll go through it with you.
  • That's amazing and wonderful she is breathing on her own. I hope she continues to be strong and makes great big leaps in development.
  • God bless her and her bundle of joy.. I hope everything goes well.. Im 22 weeks so how nerveracking to read that at 23 weeks this happened
  • Aww thanks @Fae when is your due date?? I am due Nov23rd Thanks @Camommy I find people who are not pregnant are not as shocked and shaken as I am.
  • @soon2BmommaOf2 I know that has to be scary to read for you!! I guess the number one thing to keep in mind is everyone is different. My friend told me her baby was constantly moving kicking and fliping in the womb...and even now that she is out she wont stay still so I am betting that had alot to do with it.
  • @sheila303 my due date is november 19th, so yeah, we're 4 days apart! :D i am glad your friend's baby seems to be doing well on its own. i'm terrified of something happening to my lil one...
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  • O wow glad the baby is ok that's crazy I could not even imagine I'm 26 weeks n that just blows my m
  • mind. n trust me the time will go by much faster then u think
  • @sheila303 I can see how that would be. I went through the same thing with a friend 7 yrs ago she had really bad hypertension so they had to induce at the same time period her daughter was born 12 inches and 1.5 pounds she wasn't as lucky as your friend her baby had a very hard time and needed help breathing for a couple of months. She's a beautiful happy 7 yr old now though she still has some issues she's a blessing. I'm 25 weeks pregnant with #3
  • Omg I'm 23 weeks prego right now.. and my little girl is constantly moving also. I wish your friend and that baby the best will say a little prayer for them both
  • @tiff87124 I am not sure why they did the C-section I havn't got to talk to her on the phone :-( @Camommy that is definetly a blessing and increases my hope. I am glad your friend has a happy healthy 7 year old now! @Mommakk88 I bet it will fly by just like my teenage years lmao!
  • O.o that is horrifying. So happy the baby is okay but my god!
  • Wow she's breathing on her own?? That's amazing. Very strong little girl.
  • @Sheila303 lol no joke I hear u there
  • How's the baby doing?
  • Oh my gosh that's so scary! I was sent to the hospital a week and a half ago to stop contractions and fortunately they put an end to mine; though they aren't fully gone...I'm going for a checkup on Wednesday to see how baby is doing. I'm hoping they'll check me too, just to be safe. Best wishes for your friend and her sweetie. %%-
  • Wow that's one miracle baby! Sounds very strong though and the breathing thing is brilliant, just shows am thing can happen but also that they are strong little beggars! Obviously too impatient to cook any longer!
  • edited April 2011
    Im so glad the baby is okay. Ill keep ur friend and her baby in my prayers. %%-
  • God bless her and her little baby, I hope everything goes okay that is sooo early!
  • God bless her and the baby
  • Hello all! Sorry Im not on here during the weekend! Baby and mom are doing great! baby is so strong and gaining each day!
  • Glad to hear all is well. See, that's why as awkward as internal exams are I sometimes want them to do it even now (at 19 weeks) just in case I'm dilating.
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  • She is in my prayers
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