How did you find out you were pregnant???



  • I was supposed to have surgery to have a bartholin cyst removed and during the pre-op appointment the Dr. was giving me all my papers for meds and then looked over at the PG test and said "oh no, we can't do this" I tought I filled out the paperwork wrong, but NOPE was pregnant!! LOL
  • I was on vacation for my fiances birthday the second day I woke up not being able to keep anything down in the bathroom constantly the sight of food made me sick. I was also really shaky and that's what happened with my other two so when we got home we got three test and they all said I was
  • Ha ha everyone's story is funny!!! Some women just have that intuition not me though I was always the one who want NO rugrats LOL!!!
  • @mybabe so was I. I thought I would never have kids. Even after I had my first two I still didn't like other pple's kids. But now I'm in love with kids well some of them long as their not too too too bad lol
  • was four days late and it was valentines day i was kinda nervous and i told my bf (i had already bought the test earlier that day) and he told me take it....took the first test and it was neg. so didnt think about it again...he kept asking me if i got my period yet and i would just tell him i know its coming im getting cramps.... a few days later we were watching tv and i was eating pickles and nachos and he was teasing me that i was prego so i told him i would take the test to shut him up and show him i wasnt so i did and after waiting a few mins .......the line came up and i was in shock im 14 weeks and couldnt be happier
  • I took this thing called a pregnancy test. Lol Just kidding. My son was doing a lot of things kids his age shouldn't be able to do and then started bending down looking between his legs so everyone said he was getting out the way for a new baby and next thing you know my cycle was late so I took a test and got my bfp.
  • I didn't think I was pregnant because I got what I thought was a period and it lasted not even a whole day so I took a test and it came out positive I think I was about 5 or 6 weeks.
  • I was three days late but had cramping and really sensitive boobs but it never came took a prego test and it was pos. Then took another one and pos then three more and all pos lol (denial) then went to the doc and they asked how many tests did you say you took? I said five lol she said well you are pregnant haha sixth one was pos:) so I took a picture of it and sent it to the bd lol
  • I was putting up a new surround sound with my husband and he said baby that's not center and I went off yelling in his face. I literally wanted to hit him and started crying saying he's so mean to me. My mil started laughing hysterically told me I had to he pregnant because I'm normally the most mild tempered person in the world. So I took a test the next morning and sure enough it had two lines. To this day I still want to rip his face off almost daily for absolutely no reason. I'm lucky he has a ton a patience it never phases him.
  • My best friend thought she was pregnant and wanted me to take a test with her cause she was scared it was gonna be another - and it was but mine was + i felt so bad it was the day i was suppose to start my period
  • @angelsmommy that's sad does she have kids???
  • My fiance told me my boobs looked pregnant so I took a test...
  • @Mybabe no her husband has two from another marriage even though she loves them just as much she wants some of her own i felt so bad i could tell she wanted to be happy for me but couldnt now 8 months later i still think she almost cries every time i see her and it still breaks my heart.
  • I was really sick on Christmas day and the next day hubby took me to Chili's and it made me sick! (Fyi: its my fave place to eat) hubby said oh ur preggo and I said NO WAY! I refused to buy a test so hubby did.....say the least we got a great Christmas present a day late! =) 3rd and last baby!!
  • I had every symptom but found an excuse for everything...sore breast= af coming on...throwing up nd sick feeling=stomache bug....peeing frequently and increasw of apetite=i thought it could b diabetis since it runs n my family but my husband wasnt buying any of it and insistet I test I didnt want to for fear of getting let down again after trying 4 yrs. I finally took it and couldnt believe it and took 3 more test and went to the dr lol I thought it was to good to b true
  • I had seriously sore breasts and suspected that I might be. Took a test at home. My husband thought I was, as was hormonal and I'd said my boobs were sore, but didn't want to raise my hopes.
  • oh and I kept on getting up during the night to pee.
  • I chalked up all my symptoms to pms....all the signs were there...but I took a test bc I thought I had my period...nope...twodays later...two lines
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  • My periods r usually like clock work always right on time. My last period had been irregular so I was hoping it was just stress. The day I was suppose to start rolled around n nothing, next day nothin, day after that nothin. So I told my fiance I think somethings up. We were visiting my aunt n uncle n I managed to talk my aunt into taking me to get tests. I kept tellin myself I'm not pregnant its just stress to much going on. As soon as I got back I booked it to the bathroom I peed on the stick grab the instructions to see how long to wait turned looked at the test n it was positive already like super dark lines so I took the next one a few hours later same thing my fiance was soo excited I was in shock lol
  • @mybabe I had Lo Ovral 28
  • With my 1st I went to the Dr. For a regular yearly exam and the doc said hmmm...ur pregnant...I said no way, I gotta see the test! lol :-) my 2nd, I was 4 days late and I just knew I took a test ..sure enough, positive!
  • I was a day late which pretty much told me I was pregnant cause I was on bc and very regular. I was also extremely exhuasted.
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