Any rude comments from people?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Rude comments people make. Urgh!


  • 1- oh I didn't want to ask if your pregnant. I was four months pregnant at the time. U could tell it was baby to not a beer belly.
  • Yes. Someone at work said to me wow u really got big all over huh?.. so rude. Am 29 weeks pregnant
  • Thats nothin I posted pics of my belly an someone goes oh I didnt know u were preggo,, or wait r u or did u just gain wait ,, im 15 weeks an have a big prego belly,, wtf
  • Haha I work wit all guys and o boy do they say the dumbest things!
    "Oh wow u look really pregnant today"
    "Hey I can see ur gut now! "
    "Man u look really sick today"
  • Surprise them with,"no, I just have a 50 lb tumor. Treatment involves eating ice cream and crying at inappropriate times."
  • Lol@newmommy.. good one..
  • edited January 2011
    When I was 7 months pregnant I had some random woman come up to me in walmart and start praying on my stomach. The prayer involved her saying "i spiritually adopt this child for fear of abortion" I am married, and like I said I was 7 months pregnant! now with my pregnancies if a stranger asks about it or tries to talk to me about it, I just say I'm not pregnant and act like I'm gonna cry
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