Diaper choices...

edited April 2011 in Parenting
What brands do you all use/recommend and why? We want to start stocking up soon but aren't sure what's the best out there. Does it really vary much between brands?


  • Well I'm goin to use huggies I think there the best an they don't leak so they can hold a lot of pee-pee at night or if u go on a lil road trip
  • I think it all depends on the baby...i jus had a bby we got huggies on him then I stared to notice he was getti.g diaper rash so I change to pampers n now he dont get rash nomore
  • People have said alot of good things about the Target brand.
  • I used huggies for my first son and will be using them with this daughter... my son never had a poppy accident to come out
  • It depends on the baby...with my first son I couldn't use anything except huggies b/c everything else would give him a rash! That was also the brand my hospital used and I never had any issues with them. I will probably be going with huggies again this time :)
  • Well I love the pampers! Huggies gave my daughter bad rashes and the crystals in the diapers would be all over her butt right after she peed! And they always leaked! It seems like they were just more cheaply made to me. But everyone is different hun. My hospital uses pampers and pampers have never failed me for leaks, falling apart, or rash problems! :)
  • edited April 2011
    We use cloth diapers but I'm kind of aa hippie that way, lol!!
  • Huggies! :) the reason why I like them is cause my nephew got a horrid rash which caused a staff infection :( using pampers *he has extremely sensitive skin* and once we switched over to huggies he never got any rashes or any problems so huggies it is!
  • I really dont know. I will figure it out when the baby comes. I will buy a small package of a couple and then see what works best for my daughter she could use the regular walmart brand. For my son he would have accidents and I would have to change him every time I changed his diaper. So i had to use luvs for him bc huggies he got diaper rash and pampers gave his little legs a rash. So it depends for everybody.
  • I loved Huggies when my munchkin was little. This kid has a bladder on him and Huggies would hold it all! I started out with the Huggies Little Snugglers then Little Movers. I will likely use them again when hubby & I finally get preggers.
  • My hospital uses pampers swaddlers. They are so soft and they don't leak. That is what we used on my son until his umbilical cord fell off and circumcision healed. We will do the same with this baby. It all depends on your baby's skin.
  • Depends on baby and age..for the first few months we used pampers and when she became mobile we switched to huggies.
  • edited April 2011
    I loved pampers when my daughter was a newborn. Now that shes older (17months) diapers leak more. I have tried pampers, luvs, huggies, target and walmart brand. Walmart brand are the only ones that haven't leaked yet and they're not bulky.
  • I worked in a day care for 5 years, and I have seen them all. I HATE the store brand diapers, with one exception...but for the most part, the store brands are rougher on the babies skin. Pampers, huggies and luvs are all decent...figure out what works best for your child. As for store brands...the Costco/Kirklands brand are AMAZING.
  • I used Target brand for my daughter. I tried them all but luvs gave her a rash, huggies never held overnight.
    With this one I'm trying Target again and hopefully it turns out well.
  • Cloth diapers for us! Way easier then you think, we didnt for our first but with our second we did after she turned one. potty training was so easy! The start up is kinda high but once you do the math you really do save tons of money in the end. We bought some Sunbaby diapers i spent less then $175for 50 diapers(20 were off craigslist used) each diaper lasts from birth to 35 pounds (my 3 year old can wear them still)
    As far as non cloth target brand are pretty good, I think they make the little ones poo smell funny. Maybe its just me?. I love pampers though too!
  • I love pampers swaddlers cause they have a back up leak guard that catches diareah. My daughter would blow thru huggies we switched to pampers till she was size 2 cause they no longer have the back up guard. Huggies. Work great now I believe she rarely gets rashes. Hope this helps
  • Pampers swaddlers and then Pampers cruisers! That's all I used with my daughter and she never leaked through them!
  • Pampers, because the one time I used Huggies was the only time her diaper ever leaked. She only had diaper rash one time also.
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