DID HE JUST REALLY??? ladies I need help with this please!!!! Im beyond done with him!

so i just got home from seeing my husband in jail, to begin with the visitaion went well, half way through it he mentioned that hes going crazy bc he hasnt has sex since november when he got locked up... I told him, how do u think i feel, im being punished too! and his responce!!!! " your not being punished, do what you want to do, you had the choice to leave me, or stand by me, and you can still make that decision, to do what you want to do" EXCUSE ME M'FER!!! DID YOU JUST REALLY SAY THAT????? i have supported your ass for 3 years, putting a roof over your head, food in your stomache, clothes on your back, money on you phone and cigarettes in your hand! paying your court fines, and probation costs, supporting you in all of your dumb ass decisions, like a fucking chicken coop, i have coverd for you when you fucked up my moms tools, and swept it under the rug, when you killed, not ONE but TWO of my cars!!! Not to mention putting OIL in my moms, MASTER BREAK CYLINDAR. that could of killed us you dumb ass!!!!

I have been married to him for a little over a year now, and truthfully, i love him, but I dont know why, I used to say unexplainable love, is the best, but now its hard for me to think that way.... I want to be able to come home and know that hes worked that day, not sat his ass on the couch playing video games, or eating!!! We have been to the point of divorce, 2 times since december 09!!!

Im so frusterated!! I dont know what to do any more, I dont know wether or not to stand by his side, and wait or just tell him Im done. I have this gut feeling that when he comes home its gonna be the same shit over and over again, " baby im looking for a job but noone will hire me bc im a felon" " i dont wanna flip burgers, i wanna work on a farm" "its too hot to look for jobs today" " your never home to drive me, I always have to walk there" EXCUSES EXCUSES!

In my head Im done, In my heart Im done, so why cant I just simply tell him Im done, and get past all the hurt and all the pain, and walk away. I feel like its 3 yrs waisted on nothing!


  • Awe sweetie I'm so sorry. Sounds like you know what ya wanna do. Atleast if he's behind bars he cant do nothing stupid abd you have some time to move on. You don't need to support a man that don't wanna help himself. And don't look at ot as waisted but a life lesson. Best wishes
  • he got locked up in novemeber, in december i told him i was done, and i didnt talk to him for 3 months, then outta the blue i turned around and went back to him, i think i have a fear of being "single" and hes my fall back...hes stuck with me... ya know
  • I had to walk away from my ex fiance, he wouldn't change. We were together 8 yrs and had 2 kids. Gotta do what's best for you
  • Im sorry you are going through this...he better count his blessings and be glad he has a woman like you! Bc I would be damn if I would take care of a grown man.

    Be strong!
  • Ya I understand. 3 yrs ago I was with this guy that was the same story. I supported him, paid his fines covered for him yada yada yada. And I was afraid to leave him cuz of being single. I finally ended it in 2008 and spent time finding me.Now he is in prison for 5 yrs for aggravated vehicular assault. I'm married and happy. My hubby isnt perfect but I don't miss all the drama of my ex and I like that I can depend on my man. I think you can do it. And if you want u can talk to me anytime. I dont judge, heck my dad was in prison for 3 yrs, now he's been out 2 and actually changed but hes the only person I've known to do it
  • Not really trying to be rude but u created that monster..and he got the nerve to b talkin like that after all you have done for him smh its time to let go hun. @beautifulnightmare.
  • If he hasn't put forth effort to change now, he aint ever. I have seen it first hand with my friends and family (including my own mom), However with that being said I ALWAYS believe people can change if they want to or if something drives them too, and your pregnant right? Maybe after the baby comes things may change, if they don't I say move on you are independent enough to live with out him. Maybe love him from a distance? I know it's hard but the stress aint worth it, and the unhappiness. This is your life so live it. He made his bed he can lay in it. He will never change knowing that you will always be there to pick up the pieces and be his mamma sorta speak. Good luck and I prolly would have punched him through the window for that commet haha.
  • @samatha, no im ttc, but not necessarily right away, i have PCSO, and I joined pregly to have the support from other women who have my conditons and to help me through the difficulties with it! I would of punched him, if i could, they dont do glass visitation any more its video, so it wouldnt of done any good.

    @lexi34 No harm taken, i know i created him, or rather enabled him to be this way... and what sux, is NOONE in my family likes him NOONE, Maybe i should listen to them for once, lol.

    thankyou hun, Ive watched it with family and friends, my dad spent 14 yrs in prision, but no matter what I do I always choose guys like this, low lifes, with no future, and normally I am smart enough no to marry one, this one for some dumb reason i found my self saying I DO in one of the worst bad luck weddings ever!
  • The fixing a bird with a broken wing thing ? :( u deserve so much better
  • Its always easier said then done u dnt have to b with him to b there for him..i kno u love him but if he dnt love u enough to get his life together to better himself an u then fuck him because at the end of the day u lay in bed alone an ur all u got
  • The longer you pit your self thru that the harder it will be to leave try and break away if you can ill be praying for you
  • When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter he just kept messing up and wouldn't get a job and at 6 months pregnant I said I can't afford to support you and a baby and your old enough to take care of yourself so goodbye
  • I would not bother to even visit him for awhile. If your done in the heart and in the mind then your done when he comes back. There is no way he will change right away when he comes out. Well its up to you sweetie. If my husband was in jail and he said that to me then i would be done for it. I have no sympathy for someone who is in jail and tells me that i still can't make a decision. They can kiss my a**. But maybe he is just giving you an option of what you can do without having to wait for him. Sometimes that is a good thing. Sometimes the end of something is the beginning of something better. Who knows.. only time could tell.
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