Just found out !

edited January 2011 in September 2011
Hey all, just wanted to say hi and how fab this app is. Very helpful for us first timers. I'm only 5weeks but so excited and yet scared!


  • Hello, I just found out too...I 'm 5 weeks as well! Congrats!
  • Just found out this morning, myself... I think I'm in my 6th week, idk. Lol. So so nervous. ><
  • Congrats ladies!!! I'm prego with my 2nd. So need to be nervous. You'll all be great mothers.
  • Hi ladies..dis is my 3rd pregnancy im scare cus I lost da two other babys in 09 n 10 im just scare to lose dis one :/
  • Hey this is my second child my first is a girl I'm 5 weeks along now. Hopefully everything goes while for u all
  • I don't know if im pregnant or not because I had took alease four pregnancy test all em say not pregnant but I be tired n moody crazy
  • Hey gals! Im only four weeks but still going good. First one and very nervous!
  • This is my 1st pregnancy and I'm 5 weeks and yes I'm also nervous....and congrats ladies
  • Firsttt pregnancyy 14 wkss(: congratss to all.
  • Third pregnancy I have 2 girl 3.5 yrs and 6 months. Pregnant almost 6 weeks with the third
  • Second pregnancy! 25 wks everyone will do great good luck to u all!!:)
  • Me and my husband of two years are finally having our first child..:-) we have been trying for the longest and finally we've made it! I am so excited but I am also nervous. According to the stats I am currently five weeks pregnant..we just found out last Thursday. Wish us luck and congratulations to all!!
  • Congrats to you all. This is my third.my oldest is 17 and my youngest is 12 . We all will do well. Enjoy the pregnancy as much as you can. :)
  • Due Sept 19. Found out today! Baby number four, turning our family of five into six! No need to be nervous first timers!
  • First bubby very nervous !!! Off now for my doc appointment .. xx
  • Hi everyone, this will be my third Baby! I have a 5yr Old grl and a 3yr old son! I Just took two pregnancy tests on Sunday and were both positive..my first apt it the 26th I'm anxious to go and see how things are an here baby's heart beat!
  • Well im 5week n 3days pregnant but my fourth pregnancy but im always tired n using da restroom alot.
  • How many weeks u think u will da baby heart beat?
  • PG with what will be 3rd under 3. I'm currently 5wks & 3days as well. My husband & I are extremely excited! Our oldest girl is 25 1/2 mths, our youngest is 10 1/2 mths. I would like a total of 4... so if we're lucky we might be PG w/twins! Unlikely tho.
  • When I scheduled an appointment with my doctor he wanted me to be 8 weeks or close to it
  • According to this app I'm 5weeks and 2 days pregnant. This will be my first child and I'm very scared, especially with the cramps. I just want to know is this app accurate with dates, compared to what the doctors told some of you? Obviously I haven't been yet. Thanks!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • In my 6th week. So excited and a bit nervous for baby #1. I just want everything to be perfect. Is that too much to ask ... lol ;-) My doctors appointment is on the 25th so hopefully that will help put my mind at ease.
  • edited January 2011
    Just found out 4 hrs ago I'm 6 weeks exactly soooo nervous :)
  • Congrats!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks For everyone's comments. Its great to feel support x its starting to sink in now - i'm gonna be a mum ! :-)
  • i am about 7 weeks pregnant with my third! two girls already who are 3 and 18 months, would love a boy but don't mind as long as all is well. got early pregnancy scan tomorrow as not sure on dates
  • I'm 7w4d this is my first child. I'm very excited being that my doctor told me I wouldn't be able to have kids. My boyfriend is very supportive. I have my first doctors appointment this upcoming Friday. I'm hoping for an ultrasound.. Good luck to all of you on this beautiful journey
  • Hi Mommies.... I just found out also... I'm 5 weeks along with my 2nd baby!!! Congrats all!!:-)
  • 8 wks with bby number two!
    proud teen mama (: (:
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