Usually your belly will actually look lower. You may feel more pelvic pressure, and feel like the baby is "falling out" you may pee more due to increased pressure on ur bladder from the babies head... Be constipated from pressure on ur bowels...
@nicksmommy you are welcome im due May 24 but I could go any day. My.doc is "amazed im still preggo" as he puts it haha. When are you due? And yeah my belly is like a basketball hard&round, but not orange
@kcantu2 i am due may 17 but my doc is a dick and does not tell me shit! sometimes i worry that my belly is so hard....and i feel scared i feel like i am not gonna have a baby but a weird looking it sounds horrible but i just want him to be concerns so far, but am just a worry wart! is this ur first or 2nd?