Lonely :(

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So its almost 12am here in California and my daughter is fast asleep and my hubby has been gone since 5pm.

Not to mention I took the day off work because I have a sore throat, headache, stiff neck, back pain and pelvic pain. Husband gets home from work at 1pm and goes right to sleep!!!! Wth! With all this pain I still have my 4yr old and 3month old puppy to feed and take care of and he has the guts to leave and play softball?!?!?!?! I don't understand men sometimes. I still have to cook & clean and entertain my child. I swear a mothers job is never done.


  • It's 2 where I'm at so bored an can't sleep it sux!
  • its 3am on my end, missing cali:(...@oavalos06 i understand how u feel...I'm just grateful that we relocated
  • Kinda stopped my hunny from kickin it so much^…… and I'm border also @ Mrz.Jackson2anpreggo
  • Bored ^……… dude i hate touchscreens
  • Wow 3am I hope I'm asleep by then lol! Danniimomof5pt5
  • Lol girl I've been in michigan a yr and I'm still on Cali time...
  • Oh wow that can make a girl stress :/ try not to worry too much :( im in the same boat except my hubby wont b home til after I have our daughter myself n I take care of everything on the home front plus our 6 yr old til he gets done his contract in fl. Truly sucks to hear him say hes been suffering from boredom on the fl beaches while im home busting my ass..men havent got a clue lol
  • Lol @Mandielynne..men sure don't, i take care of home, i have four children in school, two at home and one on the way, I'm so ready to pull my hair out
  • Im glad I'm not alone. Men don't understand how much we do for them. And I work full time, so some help would be very much appreciated. I mean, I didn't make our kids myself, why should I be the one to do all the work all the time while he just sits there and relaxes!!!???
  • I secretly used to find it amuzing when my bf got wasted in my first trimester to torture him when he passed out..ive ripped his pillow out from his head n have turned the heat way up while he slept to make myself feel like I got even...needless to say he wont touch a dab of alcohol lol
  • @mandielynne. That is too funny. Where were u when I was prego with my first?!??!?!?! Hahaha. I hate when he gets wasted too. I'll have to try those out. Thanks :)
  • Idk what chip was implanted in their heads but its about time that they get it removed before its too late, i actually turned the page on my hubby and showed him what it feels like to be taling care of everything by hisself, i dont club but i did work, went to school and went out to eat or to the mall with my friends for 1 week str8 and since then i see a big difference
  • Lmbo@Mandielynne
  • When out with friends for a week start on top of work and school is what i meant
  • Uuuggggghhhhh i hate touchscreens
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