should I worry?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I called my Dr. today to get my hcg levels and the nurse couldn't find the number on the computer. (she had issues with the computer when I was at the appointment with her) Then she asked me if I had been spotting and I told her I did yesterday. She asked me if I was when i went to the appointment on thursday and I told her no. Then she wanted me to change my appointment up from the 28th of feb. to now the 14th. Should I worry, or is she just being careful? Today I am 6 weeks and 4 days and the appointment will now be in a week from today.


  • Just stay calm. She probably has to get you in sooner just because you did spot a little bit so thatt the doc can check that everythings okay
  • what can they see at 7 weeks? can they hear the heartbeat?
  • Yeah they can see the heart beat and do a vaginal ultra sound and make sure everything is were its suppose to be
  • I'm sure if it were something to worry about she would have had you checked out while you were there more extensively. Don't stress over it. I spotted for the first three months off and on.
  • I typically spot every 3 days. Not much only when i wipe and usually only for a few hours. I'm not too worried about her changing the appointment, I just worry all the time about having a misscarriage, not too much that it bothers me... its just always in the back of my mind. What causes you to spot on and off the who first trimester? The only reason I can find is because of implantation and thats already over with.
  • Well, some people will spot if they are doing too much...
    Or women even will have their period while pregnant. TLC has a show that's called I didn't know I was pregnant... And these women will have normal cycles and it turns out that they are pregnant
  • I've been spotting off and on since Friday night and I saw my doctor and had an ultrasound today to make sure baby was ok (it was). What my doctor told me is that the cervix gets so swollen and engorged with blood during pregnancy that it takes next to nothing to make it bleed. He said anything from walking, to housework or even just moving wrong can cause you to start spotting. I agree with you that it can cause anxiety. I also had cramping with the bleeding but luckily not clots (that's a major sign that you need to get seen NOW). The doctor told me to take it easy for the rest of the first trimester and that there's less than a 5% chance of miscarriage once a healthy heartbeat is detected (my little one's was at 172 today and 140 last Wednesday. I'm not sure if my anxiety had anything to do with little one's being so high today). Good luck!
  • I think they messed up ur chart. Just like me I dont know my blood type with my son they had B+ with my daughter they had A+ im just glad they didnt have 2 give me a blood transfussion I dont know what would happen if they gave me the wrong blood
  • I hope it is healthy!

    @mz_sanders that is scarry.
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