How do I tell him...

How do I tell my bf that I don't want to name our son after him? He's a junior himself and from the moment he found out we were having a boy earlier this week he hasn't stopped talking about "the 3rd". How can I gently come to a compromise with him? Or should I just accept that our son will be named after his daddy and grandpa?


  • If you don't like it then don't do it. I refused for my son to be a 5th. Did you two ever discuss this before you found out what you were having or does he just assume that's what his name will be?
  • My friends brother was a third and got called Randy the Turd his whole life. That alone is reason... :)
  • I went through the same thing my fiance is a 3rd and wanted our son to be the 4 th. No way!! I told him we could give our son his name for a middle name. I also let him pick out some boys names he liked and then I picked the one I liked best. He really didn't get any input on our daughters name so I let him think he was in control this time lol
  • Just tell him no lol. Um my bd is a 3rd n it sucks! His dad had same bank without knowing and money was messed up. His grandfaTher who don't pay his elec was being paid from our payments. I had pink note for shut off they never told us about greedy family. His dad filed bankruptcy n bd tried for a loan n denied cause his dad had got one in bd name. I can go on lol
  • My bf is a junior and wanted a third. I didn't realize this until I casually texted him one day asking what boys names he liked. We didn't know at the time that we were having a boy but his response was his name.. I cried! Hormones I guess but I did not want that. So he figured that out quickly and the next time we spoke of names he told me why it was important to him and I told him why it was important to me not to name him that. So finally we find out it's a boy! And I had decided I was leaving it up to him to bring up names. He did that evening with a text that said "I know you don't want to name our son after me :( but what do you think of ________" and I had to think about it for a minute cuz it wasn't a name I would have chosen but I loved that he was compromising. I threw a few names out there as I was thinking about the name he chose and then I started to love that name! And it was a name he picked so I know he is excited about it! Sorry this is so long! Hope it helps!
  • I got lucky on this one...BD is a Jr but does NOT like his name. I like his nickname but I have to sadly agree on his 'proper' name. So this little man will NOT be a 3rd. :-)
  • One of my relatives has the 3rd and they call him Tre. Kind of like three in spanish. I'm glad my hubby doesn't want a junior, but we did pick his first name as our boy middle name.
  • Ugh I need help with this also. My bf is a 3rd & wants our boy to be a 4th. I'm totally against it for a # of reasons & mostly bcuz of how he reacted in the beginning of my pregnancy. I just want my son to be his own person & name. But everytime we talk about it, it turns into an argument & he STILL thinks I'm going to name my baby after him. We're not married so its all up to me..I told him & he still thinks he has rights to name our son :/
  • Unfourtantli I didn't have a choice lol. Mi husband wanted our son to b a jr. and I gave in :(..... he the onli boi out of all his siblings an this the first grandson on his side of the family so they been waitin fo a boi for 25 years lol it made mi hubbie happi to b a sr. but he did agree to let me choose the name for the nxt boi lol
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