Any moms out there pregnant with #4

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have 3 boys and prego with #4 due Nov 8. Really hoping for a girl cuz 4 kids is my limit :) it's really overwhelming being tired and sore all the time and still having 3 young boys to care for. Anyone going thru the same thing? How do u do it?


  • I have 1 girl and 2 boys and prego with a girl. It's not too bad for me cause my daughter is almost 12 so she helps a lot. I am really tired alot though. I am not sure how to get passed the tired part. I'm going to ask my Dr to check my iron to make sure its not that. Good luck and hang in there :-)
  • I have 7 year old twins and a four year old. Not really sure how I do it. Lol all I know is that I have moments of sheer panic occasionally. I've been a little more tired than usual but for the most part feeling pretty normal. Which makes me worry that its gonna hit me all of a sudden. I'm due Dec. 25.
  • Thanks ;) I started taking b12 which is helping with being tired. Ya my boys r 7, 5, and 2. And u know boys, they're never tired :)
  • I have 2 girls n pregnant with 3 & 4 I'm hoping for 2 boys ....... Plus I have 2 step daughters so my husband keep saying he need some boys to balance this house out. Lol
  • @ momof3 that's what I tell my hubby. When I had our 3rd it was a huge adjustment, but after a while I found a way to make it work. I'm scared when I have this new baby I'm gonna completely lose my mind
  • I have 3 girls ages 8 5 3. Due Oct. 8th and praying for a boy! I have to give kuddos to my girlies they are very good at playing with each other when mommy needs rest. Which right now seems like all the time. Of course my 8 yr old has expressed to me how much she wants her fun mommy back. That's a little hard to listen to. Praying Oct come quickly.
  • edited April 2011
    I have 3 boys 16, 12, and 4 dont know what this one is, im due august 15
  • Wow, we have kids almost the same ages. This is my fourth, too! I have boy, girl, boy... ages 7, 5 and 16 months. I homeschool, too, so the older kids are home with me all day. I have my stressful days but mostly I love it. The big kids all have chores, so that helps with housework, and they love their little brother so they help with him, too. Some days I'm exhausted and we just take it easy those days. I can't wait for the new baby to get here!!! :)
  • That's a lot of ladies ;) I'm stuck with all boys :) 2 sets of twins? Ill shut up now, that sounds so overwhelming. I know how difficult it is with 1 newborn but 2:0
  • Yup im on number 4. Im extremely tired. My children are 11, 6, 17 months. My 11 yr old is in soccer and guitar lessons, my son is in viola, soccer and swim lessons. And the baby wakes up during the night still. This is our last baby its a boy! My husband has already had a vasectomy last month. :)
  • Wow I can't imagine having mine home all day, at least I get a little break while my oldest 2 r at school.
  • Oh im due in june
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  • I have 3 boys and I found out that I am having a forth boy, this is my last one. I was trying for a girl, but there were other plans for me. I am due on aug. 15, I am so ready to get it over with.
  • Nice that's a house full;)
  • I have 2 boys ages 4.5 and 6.5 and a girl 3.5. Due with number 4 oct 14 but will be having a csection beginning of oct. I find out in a few weeks what I am having. We have no preference either way :-)
  • To mom of 4 boys. OMG 4 boys that's what I'm afraid of. I remember when we found out our 3rd was a boy I cried cuz it was gonna be our last and I wanted a girl so bad! Then I felt awful for being sad since he's healthy and some people can't have kids. My boys r just crazy and your typical boys. They r fun but so crazy they drive me crazy! R your boys like that too? How did u feel when u found out u were having another boy? I guess God only gives us what we can handle right? I love my 3 boys and wouldn't have it any other way, having someone to do girly things with would be a nice change of pace from catching lizards ;)
  • I have 2 and a 3 year old boys and expecting my next Nov 28th. I also have a 10 year old girl but she lives with her dad during the school year and me during the summer...
  • I am expecting my fourth - a boy. The other three boys are 17, 12, & 2.5...i am closing the human incubator after this.
  • This is my 4th as well. I have 3 girls so would b nice for a boy but we shall see. Also some days i don't know how i do it, but 1 thing thatbgets me thru is knowing that if i can't get it done it will still be there waiting for me later, one day at a time
  • Mine are 5 3 2 and one due June 28. So I'm busy.
  • I have 2 boys 1 girl 9,5,4 very very crazy my daughter is the youngest and I gets no break from her I will b so glad when school start again and they will b gone most of the day
  • edited April 2011
    O and I'm due on halloween I'm not sure wat the sex will b
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