Brushing my teeth

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Has become such a challenge! Most days Im lucky if I get through it with only some gagging. Today was not a lucky day. Brushed my teeth gagged and then up came empty stomach acids. For two minutes I was leaning over the sink just expelling the acids. :-{ Has anyone else experienced this while pregnant?


  • Not vomiting but I gag alllll the time when I brush my teeth. It's a horrible feeling :-(
  • Yep..oh the joy of but I had it from about 5weeks up until I was 16weeks. I'm 20weeks now & haven't had it since ;) how far along are you?
  • Oh, I gag every time! Last time, I made the mistake of changing toothpaste brands...I threw up as soon as the toothbrush touched my tongue. My cereal was still cold, it was so gross!!
  • I still have that from time to time n I'll b 36wks on monday
  • It happens to me almost every morning! Mostly just gagging, but I've thrown up a few times too... I dread brushing my teeth now :(
  • Yup. I switched to a bubble gum flavor tooth paste and also brush more offten but not as deep to prevent gaging.
  • Yes. I'm 15 weeks today and that still happens to me. Its sooooo nasty! I hate it! Idk when it stops and I still have morning sickness on some days too. My stepmom says for me not to brush my tongue but I can't do that. Thinking of not brushing my tongue grosses me out along with not brushing my teeth period! :(
  • Omg when I brush my teeth its normal like fine but once I brush my tongue omg I gag than throw uppp:( soo I learned not too brush myy tongue when I'm preggo hahaha...soo I brush my teeth than use scope:]
  • I have the same problem with gagging when I brush. I found that if I use mouthwash before, I don't brush as long and it works the same. Then later in the day when I am not so gaggy, I floss and brush again.
  • I was like that but I had minty toothpaste and it actually made me puke so now I use cinnamon toothpaste and do fine :)
  • I don't necessarily vomit but I do gag. I've tried switching toothpaste but nothing helps. Ugh
  • I went from mint to Cinnamon and it worked wonders
  • Yes!! It's terrible! I agree, the cinnamon toothpaste worked wonders though! :)
  • Only every time I brush my teeth I hate it too n I have tried everything :( hope u can find something that works for u
  • Hey everyone I learned a little something that helped me out I bought a tongue scraper it works ALOT better not as much gagging for me I also use smart mouth it is costly mouth wash but it gets areas I can't get from all the gagging!!!!
  • @Clope18 Im 22 weeks and have been gagging on and off since the beginning.
  • Im gonna try a non mint toothpaste. But sometimes just touching my tongue will make me gag. Tongue scraping sounds like a good idea too. Just hope the touching the tongue thing wont ruin it!
  • Yep started first trimester lasted through my third. Better now though lol
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