teen mommy w/ 2 letting go of teen years (long)

edited April 2011 in September 2011
No carowinds for me No prom for me No senior week at the beach for me No graduation party for me. Dis really sucks. I been feeling so lonley & depressed I take it out on my bf I dnt want him kissing me we have not had sex in almost 2months b/c I'm jus not into it . I don't hang w/ my friends enymore b/c the things they do I can't. Plus I have a daughter & finna have another one I feel old and out of place when I'm w/ them I feel so left out. They are still teens have no worries enjoying their lifes I wish I would have been more careful I wish I would have stayed a virgin its nobody fault but mine I'm have a hard time letting go of my teen years or maybe I'm jus scared to grow up idk my senior year suppose to be happy fun & exciting I been waiten on this for 12years!!! But I can't enjoy it at all I'm never happy when I think about bringing another child in this world all I think about is hard times & struggling I'm scared what if I'm not a good parent I don't want my girls to make the mistakes I did I'm scared they will. B/c I made the same mistakes my mommy did & she's still a single parent taken care of me helping me w/ my daughter & taken care of my brother all she do is work work work & we still struggling. I don't think I'm ready for dis I'm scared of moving out on my own w/ my bf & our 2 kids


  • Ok I was 17 n pregnant too. Stop limiting ur self in thongs ur pregnant not handicap (not trying to offensive no one if so sry) u can still go to ur prom I went o was 8 months pregnant n I u fun n u could do the same thing. U can go to the beach wit ur friends n relax. U can still do thongs u can walk down to get ur diploma Luke ur friends too. Just stop thinking u can. Ur a great mom n u can still do things. Ur young just finish school get into a college n finish it. Then u will have a good good. U can teach ur kids on y not to get pregnant early. Take it easy ur beating ur self up too much. If u want to help ur mom get a part time job to help out on some bills. Good luck n u could do it. Keep ur head up.
  • I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling and hurting. It must feel really bad to feel like you have been left behind by your friends. You are right though, your choices got you here, and you have to be strong for your babies. I hope you have a strong family and a good support system because that will help you. Maybe you can try to make friends that are in a similar place as you... young moms that feel lonely and are looking for friends? I found that my circle of friends really changed when I had kids and I was out of college. That happens to most people, I think. But it doesn't make it any less sad when you are going through it.

    I know it is hard but you have to hang in there and do it. Stay in school, get an education and try to stay positive. It does get better, I promise! You just have to wake up every day and do your best!
  • My phone really gets me mad things not thongs, I not o, had not u, like not Luke, can't not can,
  • I kno I can still go to the beach but ill jus be alone my friends drink & smoke & party so while they doing that I'm stuck by myself I may still go to pprom but prom is always boring & everyone jus goes out to club or to rooms to get wasted & f'd up I would jus leave & go home & go to bed I dnt have a lot of $$$ so taken those trips & going to prom will be wasting a lot of $$$ that I need I tried working to help my mom I was only getting paid $300 every two weeks I had to pay my phone bill & use the rest for my daughter I had to quit that b/c I dnt have a car so it was hard finding transportations & babysitters while I work so I'm trying to wait till I graduate so I can find a good paying job w/ my diploma that way I will be able to buy a care & pay for babysitters
  • when i got pregnant i was 20 now im 22 havin my second i know i wasnt a teen all my old friends we lost touch i said to myself i dont need friends like that so now all i talk to is people that have kids n are in the same boat as me i love been a mommy dont put urself down just think of it like this ur kids would always love u no matter what u just got to be strong for them n teach them what right n wrong im still in school i didnt go to college right away my movation is my son n my unborn son keep ur head up n dont beat urselve ova this n i got married at 18 years old so i lost some friends cuz of that too cheer up :)
  • I'm 19 and 21weeks prego I can't even read you guys comments w/o crying might jus be the hormones but thank you all I really really need to hear the things your saying I dnt have nobody else to express my feelings too w/o them laughing b/c I'm crying or judging me I tried to talk about it w/ my friends but I didn't get to finish b/c one made a comment & said well you shuda never been having sex she claims she a virgin so she think she better then everybody but she dnt kno that everybody kno she's not a virgin but my point is they only make me feel worse like duh I kno I Messed up by having sex
  • I was 17 wen I got preggo with my first I had dropped out if school the year b4 but I had a high risk preg I did my h.s. online and in the mail I dnt have my mom to help me so yr lucky do whatever u can to make her happy she's a good momma 2 :) and I think if u go or not to prom and the beach it doesnt matter u can have fun with ur bf and not waste so much $$ cuz Im always needing extra cash but we manage to spend 20 buks on a date nite movies and food and a happy meal oh yea out date nights r here at home they include our sons but we all sitt together and watch movies in da living room I'm 21 at first I felt like u then I didn't care cuz I found my sons more fun than my old friends and I'm happy my husband (24) doesn't like to drink a lot I was a party girl b4 but bcuz of him I got ovr it but once in a while I have a friend who loves my kids and thanx to her I met my hubby neway shell come over when the kids are asleep shell bring 2 3 friends and we drink and have a good time. But at first I didn't like to I still bring the baby monitor to the table lol even though ones 3yrs I just wanna knw if he's waking up but neway I do this bcuz I don't have $$ for babysitters or family that can help with a night out so this is how we keep from throwing punches at each other lol ima stay at home mom and we struggle but I go around finding ways to save money or church pay for bills or foodstamps wic..etc... I'm all on it and that's how we get a couple extra bucks to be happy cuz were not the Brady bunch even my oldest tells me me hates me lol its a stage I tell him good I'm his mom he's not supposed to like me lolo sorry off the subject so maybe what I do will give u ideas on how to stay happy b a good mom and save $$ n remember were not perfect only our lord is flawless not us this is how we were created and he wants us to be happy :)
  • I got pregnant at 17(18 when she was born) its not that bad you just have to work extra hard to take care of what you have I'm now 21 pregnant again have 2 cars my own place and everything my kids need it just takes time and effort but you can do it I don't have many friends the ones I do have also have kids I'm gonna be 8 months pregnant next in may and I'm goin to a concert don't let bein pregnant and having kids stop you from having fun! !
  • Youngmommywt2 Omg that girl that says she a v is stupid she reminds me if my sign she's 34 just got married at 30 and brags about how she was a v and her hubby is het first bs! They were together 7 years n she wants people 2 believe they waited I laugh at her. She also says Omg your young and have kids y?? I'm like I'd rather be young than old and going though menopause I shut her up with comments like that lol or I don't want to be 100 with a baby lol
  • Lmbo!! that really cheer'd me up! I am so gonna use that joke on pple that says negative things about me being young &prego. You guys really helped me a lot. I lost closed friends when I was prego w/ baby #1 & its happenning again but of my friends cnt accepte me then I dnt need them they don't even call text or talk to me as much as they use too when they plan things I ask y I'm not invited they say "you wouldn't wanna go we jus goin out drinkin & smoking plus you always w/ your bf" I'm always w/ my bf b/c he's my only real friend!
  • I was 17 when I had my baby girl in 2000. I dropped out my senior year due to being on my own. I missed out, struggled and went thru more hard times than good. But I held my head up high, tried to smile as much as I could and stayed possitive. Wasn't able to afford the time or money for collage & never gave up hope. Now after being at my call center job 3yrs I make 40k a year. Prego again w/ a boy this time and life is better. All the fun things my friends got to do are no big deal anymore bc I do them now with my kido (s). My point is keep ur head up, always smile, these times shall to pass. Find the positives eben though it is hard sometimes.
  • Even if you weren't pregnant you still don't need friends who constantly drink and smoke! Yuck. I'm proud of you for being a good mom and being mature!! Way to go!
  • At least ur honest about how u feel n ur fears..too many teen moms got their heads in da Damn clouds!! My lil sis is one of them..I'm 26 n having my 1st n I'm still scared..wit that bein said my mom started having kids at 19 and although she has done very will for herself her biggest fear was her daughters repeating her mistakes..I didn't but my sis did..wit that bein said, all u can do is try..its too late for watifs, try to make sumthin outta urself n teach ur lil ones better. Tell them when they r old enough that u gave up ur ch
  • Childhood n help them do betta then u did
  • Everything will be ok. I had my first child @ 17 and I still enjoyed my teen yrs. Also, being a mom @ an early age helped me to mature faster and prevented me from making some silly mistakes. I still went to prom, graduated on time, and have a great career right now. I had a great family support system and hopefully you do too. Keep your head up, your children need you.
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