
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone else feel this way or am I the only one?
I get so jealous when my husband goes out with his friends, He gets to drink, have fun, be carefree while I'm stuck at home, fat, gassy and sober. Ugh!


  • I would if my hubby did. He has had classes so much trying to get through them that I've missed him from that and cycling, but it is worthwhile so I stand it. If he were going out with friends instead of me, I'd have a lot of issues, I don't like to share him.
  • Yup. I just had that discussion with my husband. I'm pissed when he drinks because I can't. Sucks, man.
  • @jellybelly1015 I don't wanna share him But I don't wanna smother him either!

    @VictoriaB Was your husband understanding?
  • Smothering him is one thing, but if he does this too much to where you are genuinely upset, then tell him he is hurting you by not being understanding. If he is just blowing off steam, then patience sucks, but it helps. Can you have friends over or something fun for you when he goes out with friends? You should get to have fun too!
  • @jellybelly1015 He is out with a friend he hasn't seen in months and I trust him I just wish I could go out and be carefree and enjoy myself. I honestly don't know what to do for fun anymore I just feel fat and uncomfortable.
  • I just get annoyed if he says mates from work r only fgoing then theres grls there. thats not fair if they can go I want to. Pregnant not dead
  • @melissansteve I was just thinking the same thing!! He gets to have a drink now and relax.... I wanna relax too!! Ugh!
  • Yeah, but I wish he was more understanding about my sore back. I could use more massages ;)
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