Any mommies know tricks to easing the pain of contractions, counter pressure worked for the first couple hours, now they are stronger, but not closer together, ugh, when will it end...
I might call the doctor just to be safe. I'm not even going to suggest laying on your left side and drinking lots of water because I've been having contractions for almost two weeks now and that hasn't helped one bit!
@expectingbabynumber3 thank you, I've been doing the breathing, I can try walking, been trying to sleep all night so never thought of doesn't help with anything lol
@Viviya I called the birth center and they don't tell me much lol, I've been having contractions on and off for weeks (was due the 26th) this is the longest they've lasted... thanks mama, hope you find relief with yours
@HomeBirthAdvocate thanks, I had a feeling that was gonna be a response as I've wanted to all night but was hoping to get some sleep before having to drag my butt out of bed...
@expectingbabynumber3 still home, they told me not to come down til they are 3-5 mins apart, which is fine but for 5 hours they've been 10-13, feels like forever...
@HomeBirthAdvocate Thanks a lot I will definately try everything, I should probably start with getting out of my bed lol... Cross your fingers for me, I'm sick of carrying this little monster around lol!
@HomeBirthAdvocate thank you, I really appreciate it, nipple stimulation is one I've been unsure about because I don't want my milk to come early, what's the likelihood of that happening?
If you start getting tension in your hips you can have someone press your hips together toward your spine. That has helped me alot or you could try swaying on a birthing ball