fighting depression

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I really don't have anything to be depressed about but lately. Have these horrible episodes. I just feel like crying and like everything is wrong but it's not. I know it's hormones but I hate not feeling like myself. It doesn't last long but it bothers me none the less. I have an appointment with my therapist Friday so I will talk to him as well. Does anyone else feel this way? Depressed without reason? I have no BD drama, a sweet daughter, financially stable, good job, and a mom that is super excited about a new grandchild. I'm thankful for it all.


  • Yes definitly.. sometimes i need to burst out crying from being so stressed, when really i dont know wat the stress is from! Lol. I have a good life too, and great support with a loving bf whos excited about being a dad. Its so weird, but i totally know wat u mean!
  • Maybe I will try crying and see if it helps. Might be a great release.
  • @Carley I had that when I was 6 months pregnant with my son 5 years ago. I remember driving home from my mom's one day and all of a sudden I started thinking about driving my car off the road and having panic attacks and all these awful thoughts! I cried for 3 days straight and kept having suicidal thoughts even though I had no intentions of harming my baby, I just couldn't control the thoughts. I ended up in the hospital for a day and a half and they treated me with anti-depressants for the duration of my pregnancy. I felt like a looney bird and nobody understood that nothing was wrong, I was so happy and excited and my life was great, they all just kept telling me to stop crying and to suck it up. So I totally relate to what you're going through. I'm sorry you're feeling that way, it is horrible and keep in mind that you're not doing ANYTHING wrong nor are you crazy, so don't feel that way and don't let anybody else tell you otherwise!!!
  • Yes, do not ever feel alone! I have a life with several problems but yet my hormones have caused me to be depressed, not take control. @BkE913 I too have had panic attack freak outs and horrible thougts...
  • I hope it gets better before it gets worse.
  • This is actually fairly common. I have suffered depression all my life and now that I am pregnant and won't take my meds, my moods have gotten worse. I am currently doing therapy sessions to help with the influx of hormones and it does help. If you have access to therapy I would take advantage. There is nothing shameful about it especially cause you are taking steps to help your baby as well as yourself. Stress and depression is not good for the baby. Good luck.
  • I do all the time. I've battled depression all my life. And its been really bad being pregnant. My first and second trimester were really bad but the thrid has been a lil better. I talked to my doc and she has it write up for to start taking something so I wont go into postpartum drepression. I hope it gets better for you how bar areu? Im sure it just has alot to with harmones.
  • @jtmoon98 please do speak with ur doctor. My OB and therapist feel the stress/depression is a bigger risk for baby.

    @babymaxisontheway Im 16+4. Im glad things got better for u. My issues are not too frequent but still often enough to bother me. Can't imagine what u've goon through. I pray that they're able to help u avoid the postpartum depression
  • @carley ty it's been hard but I kept telling myself worth it in the end cheer up
  • I've suffered from depression for a few years and I stopped my medication when I got pregnant just to be on the safe side, my moods went a little haywire, but it could have been just hormones and just my depression in general. I still continued to see my therapist and that helped a lot. By 5 months I felt a lot better and the depression episodes had become fewer and fewer. I'm 38 wks now and I'm just worried about PPD and if my depression will continue to remain stable.
  • I have depression really bad. I'm not good at talking about it...and often I'm just inside balled up on my couch all doc approved me seeing a therapist but everyone tricare approves isn't taking new sucks.
  • @caitiecakes I noticed you said Tricare. Are you military?
  • Yes..I'm a military spouse @kayleigh27..they gave me a name and that doc wasn't taking new patients..same thing with three other docs..I give up.
  • Have you looked for dr on or you could talk to the ones on base to see if they have any other names of dr in your area
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