anyone else have a great pregnancy?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Ok, so i cant say it was perfect, but im 29 weeks today and so far i never puked once, i have no stretch marks, no rashes or itchiness, and break outs were minor.. i read alot of posts and hear alotta stories about some pretty aweful experiences in some womens pregnancies, so im very grateful that my experience has been very.. pleasant lol.(also baby is developing perfectly and healthy!) Except i noticed now in my third tri im very tired alot and back kills, but thats all i have to complain about. Anyone else having a great pregnancy? :) of course i will be knocking on wood after posting this!


  • I am having a great pregnancy. I am 26 weeks. I have actually had 2 wonderful pregnanies before this one. I never had morning sickness with any of them, My feet never hurt until the last 2 weeks. I have had wonderful doctors who I trust a lot. They have all been healthy. So far the other two are happy. (depending on if they get what they want when they want it) so they have their moments. The only thing that really bugged me was with my frist I hated the smell of bacon with this one I cant get enough of the stuff. I have never had strange cravings just cravings for normal things at not so normal hours. Now that is not including the babys father.... That would be a different story. They should be on soaps. They are drama filled. But over all My children have been wonderful from womb through 4 years old. (so far) LOL
  • Awesome! Im so happy everything is going well considering pregnancy always frightened me! I was so scared of all the stories ive heard. Congrats on your healthy pregnancy as well!
  • I get sick a lit but no high blood pressure or any signs of gestational diabetes with this one...had them both and preeclampsia with my son...its perfect enough for me
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