anybody less than 12 weeks who cramps regularly?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im 6 weeks and have cramped since day one! Not bad cramps, but light menstrual-like ones.


  • I started cramping this past week and it has continued since then. I am 8 weeks and had an ultrasound to check on that and some bleeding and the baby was fine. My dr has told me that cramping is usually just the uterus expanding.
  • I've ben cramping but mainly gas cramps
  • YESSS ME! I randomly have really bad stomach painns it kills:( nd I'm only 7 weeks
  • I've been cramping since the week before my period was supposed to start (obviously I missed it). I'm 7w tomorrow and I still feel them.
  • Hey i was the same way when i wss early in pregnancy and my doctor told me its just ur uterus expanding for the baby hope that helped !!
  • Yes always feeling like I am gonna start my period. Dr says its normal...
  • Yes I began cramps a week before my period they would wake me up at night... but they told me to drink water and I get less cramps
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