dad throwing a shower

edited May 2011 in Baby showers
I was telling my dad that I was worried none of my friends will throw a shower for me up here. I posted awhile ago about this, none of them are really close anymore. Long story short, he offered to do one if none of the girls do. I told him it could be coed. What do you guys think?


  • I think you are blessed to have an awesome dad/grandpa in the making!
  • That's sweet! I say go for it. Plus, this way you'll get what you want!
  • Aw I think it's very sweet. I'm a daddy's girl, so of course I think it's very heroic lol
    Co-ed works, whatever your preference is. I bet he'll be happy to be involved and you 2 will become closer.
  • thats awesome that your dad would do that for step-father was very involved in my first baby shower and im throwing it this time because its just gonna be a this time.
  • That is really nice...I don't even think my dad was aware we had a shower :P

    He must be sooo excited and loves his baby girl!
  • That is so cute my dad is involved in throwing my shower to well its more his GF,and my sisters telling him what to do lol, but its a bbq and co-ed and at his house.
    I think its awsome Ur dad will do that so cute
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