has anyone thought of banking cord blood

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My husband is in remission from cancer (he's doing wonderful ) and I was looking into banking my babys cord blood as a precaution. Omg it is so expencive! Has anyone else thought of doing this or done it?


  • I thought about it but decided to wait on cutting the cord until it stopped pulsing. So my baby could get the most antibodies from the placenta.
  • If you go to my wall and click on my discussions i posted about this a while back...and it had some good info in it. I know its pretty pricey but theybdo allow you to put it on a payment plan or even register for it and allow your friends and family to help out. Also...depending on your financial situation they have ways to get it paid for...

    My husband and i are going to do it even tho its pricey...even if our child never uses it at least it will be there...
  • That's how I feel aswell. With my husband getting cancer at 22 it worries me that the baby could get sick aswell.
  • We are doing it, this is my 6th baby, and after our 1 year old started having seizures we realized anything can happen! And we may also be able to use it for the other 5 kids if needed. We are going through MAZE Laboratories. They keep prices down by not advertising and if you pay in full when its collected you save even more. It is $100 down and they send you the kit. Our hospital has a $300 courier fee to pick it up and deliver it to them. The rest is $1910, but that cover the 20 year storage! And after I inquired about it they sent me a code for $100 off.

    I would rather say 20 years from n.ow, we spent 2400 and didnt need it, then a few years from now say why didnt we do it.and if you think about it, its only a little over a 100 a year total, thats what most other companies charge just for storage!

    We have decided not to have a baby shower and asked that anyone who would like to give us a gift to donate to our cord blood collection and storage.

    I hope this helps you out some!
  • I did but its just tooooo expensive
  • Too expensive for me.
  • @ammasmama ...That price you are paying with them isnt any different than Cordblood registry (CBR) ...other than the $125 a year you would have to pay with CBR. CBR is $2195 for the first year (collection courier, processing and storage) then the $125 every year after that....I just thought I would mention that to you because you said that they keep the cost down by not advertising...and it doesnt seem any different...

    I think for me the extra $125 a year is worth it to go with CBR because they have had the longest accreditation with the AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) and their quality standards have been recognized through ISO 9001:2009 certification—the global business standard for quality.
  • I can't afford it personally. :-/
  • How much does it cost cuz I would like to do it :)
  • Looked @CRB think that to start it's super expensive but still trying to decide doctor really recommended it.
  • @novmthumper11 i posted the price information for CBR and thr other girl posted the pricing for the company she was considering above my post.....
  • @ ashley_smashley actually the 125 a year adds up to almost 2500 so to me that is a big difference.
  • We decided to bank our last childs cord blood. This will be our 4th and final child. It is expensive but its a cost well worth it for our piece of mind. You just never know. We went w/viacord and luckily they have really good pymt plans. You don't start paying anything until 48hrs after birth. You should go online and have them send you a free info pkg. I would research a few labs and go from there.
  • Cryo cell is doing it for 1295 plus 125 a yr storage and a free Bjorn baby carrier
  • @candy101 they can keep there damn baby carrier n just give me the price off that that things worth! That brands over $200! I rather get that off lol!
  • Why would they do that the company probably pays no more than 50 bucks for then, and they r one of the cheaper certified companies out there.
  • My hospital doesn't allow it. :-(
  • It is wonderful but very expensive...u can do a registry for it or pay over time
  • My husband and I are going to do it! money does'nt matter really..
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