October mommies???

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Im due in oct 29 n I wanna kno if someone has the same day or what else is eveeyones due date?:) im so excited n nervous it feels like forever away but then its just 5 months away ahhh:)


  • I'm the 31st. It seems like forever.@Dliz_21
  • @ckazfirst I know it does I wanna hold my baby already! Do u kno what ur having?
  • I'm due oct 5 with a lil boy ma first baby... I'm so happy cant wait =)
  • edited May 2011
    Aww! I wanna kno forsure what im having but I think its a boy :)@due_oct_5
  • I'm due Oct 1 we find out what were having on the 10th can't wait!
  • I'm due the 30th! :)
  • I wanted to kno so bad wat I was havin so I tld ma doctor I was havin pain so they gave me an ultrasound.... and there he was wif his legs wide open... nd for SURE his a BOY lol
  • im due oct 24 i find out what im having on june 6th and besides waiting for oct to get her already i find this month the longest one yet....lol
  • @due_oct_5 lol that sounds like a good idea to do! Lol I have to wait till june 1st.:/ grr I just wanna kno already
  • I found out it was a boy at 16 weeks.. but I went to da ER at 14 weeks cuz I had some bleeding nd they did an ultrasound there nd the doc tld me he had seen da sex of the baby but he wasn't sure so I had to wait till I had another ultrasound.. I was mad he didn't tell me rite there.. I really wanted to kno lol... try doin dat go to da ER nd say u have pain.. they will tell u lol... dats if u want to =)
  • @due_oct_5 lol I went to the er when I.was 13 weeks pregnant cuz I had bad pains on my lower right side n they did a us and they baby was fine n the doc tried looking but didnt wana say cuz it was " too early to say" n then I went to another regular us checkup n the technician said its too early n my doc should tell me so now I have to wait ugh:/
  • Dat sucks !!
  • @due_oct_5 I kno grr but I guess patience
  • I'm due Oct. 22 and not finding out what I'm having :) Its my first baby so I'm excited and nervous the same
  • Aww congrats! Its my first too:)
  • I'm due October 4th with my first find out what it is tomorrow!
  • October 7th got till the first of june untill i find out the sex! X
  • @Dliz_21 thats when i find out too
  • @Louisesfirstbaba aww congrats what u hopinf for?
  • I dont really mind to be honest, but i do have a nephew im realllly close to so a girlie would be nice, what would u like? @Dliz_21
  • @Louisesfurstbaba i dont mind either I have 2 nephews n my bd has like 4 nieces n 1 nephew but I kinda want a boy lol :)
  • @Dliz_21 no I have no clue and the anatomy scan isn't until June I can't wait to shop but two months seems like forever.
  • due October 15th, find out this Friday!!! AUGH! Can't wait!
  • I'm due Oct 30th with my second!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Due oct. 8th. Have my us may 25th.
  • I'm due Oct.30th with my second. I have a 4 yr old boy.
  • @ckazfirst mine isnt till june either im so anxious to kno lol
  • Congrats to all october mommies!:)
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