
edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
Just thought I'd tell you guys what my girl said today.
Evidently today was the first time she seen a male dog. We was walking behind the dog when my 3 year old said "mama look he's got poop on his butt, mama he's got BIG poop" Lmao.
What's some funny stuff you heard a child say.?


  • Guess no one heard anything funny! Lol
  • That is tooooo cute. Ugh can't wait til Sophia is talking lol ima preschool teacher sooo I hear alll kinds of funny shit.
  • my son is potty training and doing very well...every time he poops on the potty he tells me "mommy BIG snake!" haha
  • @sopheebaybee143 lol I bet you do

    @kalasthename lol my daughter, when she poops in the petty she does it a little bit and cries wanting to flush it cause its nasty to sit over it. Lol if I let her I'm sure she would flush like 5 times
  • One time I took my niece to the bathroom at the mall she's 3 she goes in and yells AUNTIE THEIRS A SPIDER IN THE TOILET , it wasn't a spider it was a pad . LoL EWWWWW
  • My 3yr old God son told me that he was growing cause his penis is getting bigger lol
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  • My 4 year old daughter saw my 7 year old son half dressed, with a shirt on and no bottoms. She came running to me, yelling, "Mommy, Mommy, my brother has a really big belly button!". Once I started laughing, she said, "Mommy, I'm serious. I saw it!". She looked like she was truly in shock! It was hilarious!
  • hahahaha (:

    my son when he has to be in his caraway longer than five mins tells me "mama I miserable" lol.. he says this cause he thinks we will be in the car for a long trip(:
    I think its adorable lol
  • carseat***
  • @mommy2be777 Haha Ewwwww is right lol
    @jerseymommy Omg lol
    @Mshahir Omg my daughter says stuff like that all the time. Lol
    @joyfulmomma_my4th Hahahah lol I would have died on that one too. I know if I have a boy my daughter would flip out lmao
    @mrs_wainright awe that's adorable!
  • edited May 2011
    lol. one of my nieces. who is 2. she talks alot already. but she can't say my gf's name. we tell her to say tia marlene n she says tia peeyeen. but she can say everyone else name right. I think its so cute n funny
  • My son is 3. The other day he was being a little bratt so I told him little boy I dont like you. He looks at me and goes Well I dont like you too. I couldnt stop laughing. Or when he farts and goes ohhh its my booty. Lol
  • @firsttimedaddy lol that's cute! My daughter cant say my boyfriends name. His name is nelson, she calls him nelnes. Lol kids are so funny.
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  • When my niece was 3, she saw her daddy coming out the shower & got a "full frontal"!! She went running to her mom screaming & said "Daddy has banana's growing out of his butt"!! Lmao...
    She's 17 now & I don't think anyone will ever let her forget what she said:)
  • My three yr old cousin wanted to take a boiling pot of water off the stove I kept telling her no it will hurt u hun she looks at me puts her hands on her hips n tells me " your just like your mother, never let me do big girl stuff" lol I was laughing so hard
  • Lol @cajunmom my son saw his dad not too long ago and said "hey daddy whats that" my bd told him it was his "weewee" so my son pulled his pants down looking for his own and said "look I have a weewee too" me and my bd just laugh and all of a sudden he looks at me all serious and says "mommy wheres yours?" I just about died laughing and hes just looking at me waiting so Im like mommy dosent have one and the look on his face was priceless. Lmaoo kids
  • my neighbors son is 2 and he runs around on our street...we live on a dead end! anyways they have a house being built next to us and he climbs up this 3ft. dirt hill and screams "I'm high" I'm high" Daddy I'm high" me, my husband and his parents just laugh so hard!
  • My son is 6 and my inlaws were over. He slides down the banister and my stepMIL tells him "your gonna hurt your junk" he looks at her dumbfounded and says my what. So she looks at me then him and says well what do you call your private area. He looks at her, rolls his eyes and says so nonchanlatly "my balls duh".

    I was rolling
  • When my little brother was 3 he used to call his private his "noodle" well once we were at my grandparents house and my cousin had her pet rat there. He saw the rats long tail and started laughing and said "look at his noodle!" Grandpa thought it was adorable, but the rest of us were laughing because we knew what he really meant!
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  • I was keeping my bff lil girl the other day and we were talkin bout the baby in my tummy.. (shes 3) She asked when he was going to come out. I said July. She said but I didnt lie.. I said no, my baby will come out in July. She says I didnt lie.. Lol it was too cute
  • My son was pestering me one day so I told him to "get out of my hair" and he tells me "But mom I'm not in your hair, I'm on the ground!"

    Tonight, I put him in the tub and went to grab his jammies and stuff, and when I came back in he was freaking out because his "weenie" was "huge and hard like a rock" bahahaha. I had to calm him down and tell him it was normal. It's kinda hard to explain to a 4 year old why erections happen lol.
  • Lol I dread that with my lil men.. I cant relate to that at all lol. Its hard for me to potty train my son to pee standing.. Im like, uhhh idk how ur suppost to hold it lol @bke913
  • Haha mine pees sitting down. I was advised by family it's easier (not to mention cleaner lol) to start them out sitting down. But yeah, I worry when that time comes cuz i have noooo idea about it, let alone boy parts lol. He is always asking me where my "weinee" is hahaha. Ohh kids crack me up!
  • my nephew (5) says do u really have as baby in there. I said yep. he said no you don't because your not fat lol
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