just had a scare!! any advice!!

i was going to out to eat , and i started cramping really bad, i got really scared!! i was going to go to the er , but i laid down and felt better, my baby went all the way to one said and balled up, i;m 14 weeks has this happen to anyone, around this time cause i know its alittle early,but u could feel the baby. so i laid on my other side any she moved back. thank god. i going to lay down and get some rest. @fae any advice


  • Did it feel like period cramps? Did you call your dr? I had period like cramping around 14-15 wks with no bleeding and went to drs. He said it was round ligament pain and everything stretching and growing.
  • Call the doc it happened to a girl I know and she was ok after going to the ER
  • My baby always balled up on one side when I would sleep when she was that little, cramping could be from uterus stretching n growing
  • My baby balls up all the time
  • thanks everyone for the info, i went to bed and laid on the other side and thank the lord i feel so much better, i was going to go to the er, but decide to try to rest on my other side to see if the baby move over and she/he did:) i was so scared,
  • @Mom2bIA0528 thanks for the info.:)
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