edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I used to love eating sweets before i got prego..but now I don't want anything sweet which is prob a good thing since diabetes runs in my fam.I hear u can get diabetes while being pregnant.anyone got them??..or did u lose ur sweet tooth to or is it just me??


  • I have lost my sweet tooth that is for sure. I started wanting salads and fresh fruit instead. Although that is prolly what is best for the baby anyways. :)
  • I lost mine when I had my son almost 3 years ago and never got it back. I used to love chocolate and candy, not anymore.
  • Me too. Everything just tastes to sweet all I want is water.
  • I lost mine, too. It made me very sad. I haven't any specific cravings, mostly just aversions.
  • Me too, although this week all I want is vanilla ice cream w strawberries. But no chocolate n cake thank God :)
    I've encountered several aversions this week and so far the only thing in my house I want to eat is that. Weird.
  • yeah i want alot of fruits even fruits i didnt like before..i hope i get mines back tho..and i want water and ginger ale all the time..but its better for the baby i suppose
  • Me too....preggo myth...ur having a boy
  • ohh no i want a girl..my bf wants a boy
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