lightheaded (dizzyness)

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
I've been getting dizzy spells, feeling so light-headed that when I walk it feels like I'm going to fall over or stagger. I'm 15wks today and idk if this is a "normal" symptom of pregnancy and/or the 2nd trimester. I'm getting over a cold also if that makes a difference, but its starting to make me feel bleh to the point where I can't eat (its not morning sickness tho). Anybody ever feel this way??? :(


  • I get that, just hit 16 weeks and headcold for past week. Dizzy all the time andbeen super picky even though morning sickness has subsided. Think it is just one of the joys of pregnancy, glad to hear im not alone though!!!
  • Could you be dehydrated?
  • @jellybelly1015 good to know I'm not the only one :)

    @jwigs not likely I drink lots of water, had a uti around 7wks and I've drank nothing but water and occasionally cranberry juice
  • Im 7 weeks and have the EXACT same symptoms! It interferes with my eating also! I sometimes have to sit down and close my eyes for a few minutes. Its definetly hormones.
  • U could b dehydrated drink 32 ounces of water
  • Yeah I usually open a window for some fresh air, lay down and sip on some water. It goes away eventually, but it seems like I have more symptoms now in my 2nd trimester than I did in my first lol :l
  • Careful opening windows when pollen out, can make your allergies act up and you feel worse. Also, if you have super bad allergies like me and since pregnancy causes all the mucous membranes to swell anyway, can make you more susceptible to sinus infection.
  • Yeah my allergies can act up real bad, where I live its still snowing not sure if pollen would be a problem yet. Are there any allergy meds safe to take now that I think about it I'm curious
  • it's pretty normal starting right about now because your uterus is close to being done traveling upwards from in between your hips, all kinds of stuff is getting moved around and all of your intestines and organs are fighting with your uterus for room. Your uterus will start to put pressure on your spinal cord now which will definitely lead to some dizziness, it's actually exacerbated in the beginning because it's a new symptom and there is lot's of moving around, a friend once told me it was like a house settling.. which is a great analogy except, don't compare me to a house haha. Anyway, the other girls are right, stay hydrated, maybe supplement with some pedialite or gatorade once or twice a week and make sure you're eating. If you have a small appetite now because of sickness or.. anything really, carry some almonds or other healthy nuts with you because theyre a great source of nutrients that you don't have to eat a TON of
  • Dizzy is the story of my life lately.
  • Im 33 weeks, and im dizzy/lightheaded all the time. Its super hard to control but I think I just got used to it over time.
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