He kicked me!

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
Oh my god he kicked my hand three times and I felt it on the outside!! I felt it on the outside!

I'm 21 weeks, 1 day, and this is my first. And I may have cried a little. Fiance thinks he felt it last week, and now I know be definitely did!


  • Lmfao! Congrats
  • Congrats I couldn't stop smiling my fist kick
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • It suddenly makes all the flying elbows in my pelvis more tolerable! He's already head down, so I get sharp pains when he pokes me down there. But his kicks are clear as day on my tummy!
  • Awww isn't it just amazing
  • Kongrats!! its so exciting huh? i love it!!! my bd felt it on the outside for the first time a couple days ago. The smile it put on his face was priceless! awwwww
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