tips to concieve

Thought ild start a post for us not blessed with a pregnancy yet to share tips on how they've been trying to convieve and for mummys to be to share and give advice :) x


  • Relax... That's when I get pregnant. When I finally relax and remember that God is in control.
  • My best advice is not stress about it. After two months of stressing about ttc stopped thinking about it and here I am 19 weeks and 2 days
  • My tip is after sex put a pillow under ur butt and keep ur knees up for at least a hour,,,i tryed for 9 months to get prego but once my friend told me this it worked I got prego with in a month
  • Ask ur doc about taking CLOMID &PROVERA.....
  • Yeah but how do you stop stressin? Hmmm :/
  • Just had mc.and ttc now, have done lots of research.. Do not get up for 20 min after sex because the sperm will come out before getting into the uterus, become very familiar with your cycle and when you ovulate, eat healthy, take prenatal vits, and enjoy trying, and its actually shown sex every day results in more pregnancies than every other day
  • I agree with the not stressing. I had a miscarriage about 2 years ago and after I swore to try to get pregnant. Tried for 2 weeks and it was just too stressful and not fun and now I'm pregnant when I least expected it!
  • make sure you have sex everyday on your ovulation week..there is an app to show you when your are fertile..those are the best days all the other days dont matter..thats how i got pregnant..good luck!
  • edited February 2011
    Sex everyday is just a myth. The more he cums or ejaculates the weaker his sperm will be, which lessens the chances of you getting pregnant.
  • Sperm doesn't take 2 days to regenerate
  • Once a day is not enough to lessen.sperm counts
  • This might sound wierd but before i got pregnant with baby #1, we try for two years and nothing then i took "Nopalina flax seed" as a colon cleanser, (helps loose weight also ;) ) and week taking it i was pregnant! Then before this pregnancy i took jillian michael cleanser ( pills) and same thing two weeks after im pregnant! I wasnt planning this second one but God blessed me again! Cant guarrantee you this will work might be a coinsidense but i never use condoms or any type of preventions but both times i took cleansers both times got pregnant!
  • edited February 2011
    Once a day everyday is still no good. Ask your doctors they will tell you.
  • There is an application called My Days... that helped me get preggers. Prenatal vitamins also helps.
  • I didn't use any app I had sex a couple of times 2 weeks after my last period. By the blessing of God I got pregnant now I'm 32 weeks with a boy! We weren't even trying to conceive it was only a month after our wedding. I got up quickly afterwards and washed so I don't believe you need to lay down for 20 mins. If God wills it one will get pregnant, there isn't a necessary guide to getting pregnant. That's from my own perspective.
  • @LadiiOfCurves my doc told me everyday for the 5days around ovulation. A few more popular websites have said it too. I think the every 2days thing in for ppl with a lower sperm count. ANd every doc says something different lol. So who knows!!
  • Well if your doctor says its okay then go for it.
  • You need to find your ovulation day first. If you have an average cycle, and are consistant, it would be aprox 14 days from the first day of your period. Then you have ap 3 days. So startinn ap 2 days befor till 2 days after is best. I was also told go every other day, just because every day does lower the sperm count a bit. But either way. Female sperm can live in the body 3 days, some say up to 5 days. Though Male sperm tend to swim faster and dye off in 24 to 48 hrs. If your not regular, or don't have an average 28 day cycle you will want to count different. You can find some apps that help you figure out what days you ovulate. Can also buy kits from the store. Good Luck!!
  • I tried for two years and nothing i got the my days app andi was preggo within a month
  • I used an ovulation calendar and got preggo my first try
  • If your husband/bf smokes weed make him stop for at least a month...his sperm count increases! I believe that's how it happened for me :) and live a healthy lifestyle. I was very overweight and lost over 100lbs and was workin out 6 days a week..I heard if a bigger woman loses weight, she becomes more fertal
  • Been trying for 18 months. Had one miscarriage 12 months ago a.d still nothing. I've put some weight on and I'm thinking that's my problem. Any thoughts.
  • I was told after you have sex put your legs up in so that your body looks like a L It helps the sperm but do it when you are ovalating.
  • @desperatlytrying have you got the app mydays that helps a lot :) and have u been doctors about it they could help :) xx
  • I've just had blood tests done to check my hormone levels. At the moment my doc had a 3 week waiting list so im just waiting for an appointment.
  • I did the whole "basting" thing with my legs up in the air and I got pregnant. I used pressed lubricant and
  • My husband and I tried for over five years and we've finally been blessed with a baby. I'm 8 weeks and 3 days. We've had all the advice in the world and nothing seemed to be working. But I started taking my prenatal and folic acid vitamins every day, having sex every other day and lying in bed after for a 1/2 hour with a pillow under me. Also-morning sex is best as studies have shown women ovulate over night. Mother nature knows her stuff, if women ovulate over night it's no coincidence men are ready for some lovin' in the mornings!
    Hope this helps!
  • Nothing worked for me until I bought an answer ovulation kit...u pee on the strips everyday until one starts to turn even the slightest pink and then we had sex every day from 3 days before my ovulation to 3 days after, and I always threw my legs up in the air!! Oh and btw some women will only ovulate for 24 hours, what if that is the every other day that u happen to skip? Remember certain lubes will block sperm from traveling....... Also my husband smokes weed...alot!! Lol it took us 2 months to get pg.
  • This is how it happened for me . Three years straight of ttc. One time I tried laying on my back with my legs above me. Pretty sure that was the kicker,cuz now I'm eight weeks pregnant. Finally!!!!!!
  • I told my hubby to push in as far as he could go when he came and then not thrust anymore. Thrusting after he cums can scoop up to 90% of the sperm out! We were having sex every other day and I also put pillows under my butt for a couple minutes (I heard 15-30, but I got tired of laying like that after 3). Mydays app also helped!
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