help! i'm so bloated from everything i eat i look 20 weeks pregnant!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
i'm totally not kidding.. what can i do to stop the bloating?



  • Fiber! And lots of water...
  • yeah i have awful constipation and for some reason diarrhea? On top of that I'm super gassy.. I feel freaking gross! Sorry for the TMI but I'm going insane here!
  • I'm only 9 weeks and I Look the same way after I eat!
  • I reckon I'm going to hit up the benefiber and drink a litre a day. I feel like a slug! @aly, post a link to your belly?
  • totally just got a fart cramp and gained another 4 weeks.. ugh i'm gonna explodeee
  • I am in the overly bloated club too! I am 8 weeks and 2 days. My fat pants don't fit and my sweatpants are now snug lol the more i eat.... the larger i get. I feel huge and im sure i look like it lol
  • Post your bellies! @newmami918
  • Love your blog! Its great :)
    pics are cute!!
  • thanks @katlilly!! you should make one too!
  • Oh my gosh your belly looks EXACTLY like mine. Same shape, skin color, everything! Weird
  • we're the same person!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!
  • I don't have a PC :( just my smartphone!!
    hoping to get one when I get my taxes back :)
  • Lol my boyfriend told me I was shaped weird :( I'm gonna show him your picture and tell him to shut up(:
  • I'm on my phone I can't either :(
  • yeah we're not weird shaped, we're beautiful. my boyfee kisses my belly all the time!
  • Im 9 weeks also and have the same problem. I got woken up two nights ago out of the blue with bad cramps that kept me in the bathroom for like an hour. After I eat I look like im 20 weeks plus along. It sucks and I feel so horrible. So now I've tried the gas-x before I eat and before I go to bed and it helps a lot!!! I talked to the doctor about taking it and its safe. Im glad im not the only one that has this issue. My husband asks me all the time if im pregnant with triplets bc I get so big. But even through out the day im crampy and it kills. I can hear the gas in my stomach but I don't pass any hardly. So that makes it even worse. Hope you can find something that helps you out! Try prune juice or apple juice also to help with going to the bathroom. Ill have a normal bathroom break and then next thing u know its different the next time as in the runs so I feel you there too. Sorry your probably thinking TMI lol. I can't believe im actually talking about it bc I don't really even tell my doctor or anyone else at that matter. Its embarrassing if u ask me. But no one on here will ever meet me lol.
  • hehe yeah well we have these issues and finally we can talk about them! i have exactly what you have.. least if people ask if i'm pregnant i can 'yes'.. i just wont say how far along! ahaha..
  • I was the same way not as much no more I try and eat apples so I dnt get constipaed
  • I'm so bloated can hardly breathe half time and the gas oh my seems like I'm farting every 5mins LOL
  • surprised there aren't a bunch of pregnant ladies floating around...
  • If your having constipation on a daily basis, try a daily stool softener. Your doctor can probably recommend one that's safe. I but the generic ones from Costco (not sure if you have that in Australia) and it really helps. What I can tell you from my last pregnancy is that close to the halfway point the bloating and constipation should let up a bit, but as you get closer to the third trimester it'll get bad again. The good news is that pregnancy only lasts 9-10 months!
  • thank goodness! nah we don't have costco here.. we have kmart and target and i doubt ether of them have stool softeners. thanks though! i'll go to the supermarket and see what they have maybe!
  • Miralax is good :) but check with your Dr. You just mix it with your Dink its tasteless!
  • Im brand new at this.. So in the last month my husband has been trying to get pregnant.. and lately I've been feeling weird.. Stomach bloating and all... In the mornung its not and flat, bout an hour later u hear it growling... I'm craving things left and right... Going to the bathroom st nigjt alot, and lots of gas.. Ive tested probably bout 6 times now, and its neg..
  • Husband and I** am I prego? Help!
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