first doc appointment in the morning!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
OK I'm 9 weeks and like 3 days. What should I expect? Will I get to see the baby?


  • Yup i had mine today and im nine weeks i seen my baby:)
  • Yay! I'm gonna be super dissapointed of I dont. Or atleast hear a heartbeat!
  • They'll give you a vaginal ultrasound to see how far along you are and you'll see the baby and its heart beating but its too soon to hear it. Good luck its really exciting to see the baby!:)
  • I'm 23 week's only had one ultrasound but heard the heart beat everytime I went in but my doc didn't seem to care to much so I'm loolin for a new one
  • I'm 7 weeks my first appointment is tommorow I hope I get an ultrasound BC my husband asked for the day off...
  • 7 weeks your probably just gonna see like a dot but im interested you should update what you see
  • I will deff update too! Thanks ladies
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