New dads

edited January 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
Just wondering if there are any first time dads to be on here. Or even experienced fathers wit some advice or tips for us new guys.


  • I am on my second child and if any one has any questions I will help if I can. One thing I can sugest is to have really good patients with your prego gf or wife. They may be very moody and won't mean every thing they say.
  • I may not be a dad... but let me forewarn u, this is going to be an experience u will never forget. And u will have a blast! if u can't find a dad on here, n need advice for anything specific, I can help. I am a sister to five siblings, have a daughter n hopefully having a son. Oh, n buy a pair of really comfortable running sneakers asap, once the baby is born, u will need them.
  • im a first time dad. learnin lots by readin what mommies write here. im really happy n super anxious. but in a good way. any advice would b great (:
  • I learned that I needed really good running shoes while the wife Is prego I want her to be as comfy as posible. I want to make sure she has the best experience possible
  • If u guys have anything specific u need advice on, helps better to give advice.
    Help with the pregnant woman? Compliment her as often as u can, n try to watch ur facial expressions, tone of voice, n body movement... her hormones feed off on those things. The happier she is, the happier u are.. unfortunately really true.
    Want to connect better with the child before its born, rub her tummy, talk to ur kid, read a book or sing to ur kid. When they start moving around more, they will kick to ur voice. They will know how comfortable ur voice was to the before they were born. They will always remember ur soothing words.
    Doing as much as u can with what I just wrote, will make the three of u more happy altogether.
  • yup sure noticed that if she is happy I am happy. lol.
  • Tip... woman are like elephants... not their size, but because especially when they are pregnant they notice n remember just about everything. Even more when t comes to a fight between u two... n what u said. Sometimes not so clearly on what they said, but urs, definitely. So just remember to breathe.
  • My boyfriend is 18. Im 17 and having our first baby and clueless on so many things. Everything you guys are saying is soooo trueeee. I deffinatly feed off the expressions and stuff my boyfriend says. He should talk to you guys! Haha even tho he's so young.
  • I am 24 and pregnant with my first. We both wanted this baby but once my finance found out it was a girl he kind of lost interest and isn't take it seriously. Will thins change? Did anyone else feel anything similar?
  • That's why I don't think first time dads shouldn't know. it really depends on the type of guy he is. I find that as long as they are in the room with u when the baby is born, they get more excited. And for dads, it is easier relating to their child when the start talking.
    Try to get him excited. If he is a sports guys, talk about her doing sports when she is older. Ask what he would do when she is 15, and a boys comes to the house to pick her up.
    He is upset cuz he feels he can relate to a boy better, n he got his hopes up... if he is into sports, buy baby clothes and a teddy bear with his favorite team, wrap it up, give it to him, n when he opens it, tell him that u want her to be just like daddy... daddy's little girl.
    Be corny. U just need to slowly soften him up, so its easier for her to steal his heart.
  • This is mr.lamaster. I'm so nervous bout what to do lol. I need to know all the secrets that makes my pregnant wife happy.its my first but her second so she is a little calmer than myself, any advice for me is greatly appreciated. Like what to do and when to do it also. I just want to keep her happy and me out of the dog house lol. please help if any advice for me.I'm just writing this blog from her account and phone. Thanks everyone.
  • I totally feel u. its my first baby but not hers so im like k what do I need to do. n nervous. tryin everythin in the book to b a good bf n future daddy. the tips u ladies gave were great by the way
  • Always be calm dont stress cus ull stress her out,ask to take her shopping for her not the baby, it makes us happy that u just offered,, dont make us run out in the cold,,its bad enought were hot one moment an cold the next,all that does is piss us off..take time for her, dinner, movie, ice cream run, a massage even if u cant give a rub down call ur local salon the have special people who work magic even on prego people. My hubby did that for me for christmas an I felt so great, no mood swings since, an there not expincive normally 40 bucks for a hour of greatness an peace,,
  • ok so make it about her too not always about the baby. ??
  • Yes, she is carring the baby,but she needs to feel like she is still importan,, its just not always abouy the baby,,till the baby gets here....then its always about the baby
  • Glad to see some supportive men on here. As a first time dad and not having any sisters, I don't know the first thing about being pregnant. We are almost 6 weeks along and the mood swings are here already. I'm going to need someone to talk to.
  • thanx. k il make sure I make time for her n b about her too. n yea my girl is 5 weeks n mood swings r in full effect lol
  • So happy to see all the supportive men on here. Cuz most men when they finds out that their wife/gf is pregnant they ran away or deny it. But u guys r awesome keep it up and Good luck! =)
  • Tip to the awesome guys on here..we don't TRY to have the mood swings, they aren't fun for us either. It's hard to just all of a sudden snap at something that really isn't that big a deal...but at that moment in time it's a HUGE deal..and then feel awful after you lose it. Best thing you can do is just take it with no snapping back. That will make the situation worse for Oh and dont say things like you are overreacting or this is no big deal cuz our heads might explode haha point is we probably KNOW that but can't control it and pointing it out just makes us feel worse. I know for me once the hormone surge has left I always apologize for freaking out. Good luck hope this helped someone and congrats to all!
  • @firsttimemomct: my husband was the same way with our first. It probably didn't help that as soon as the tech said "it's a girl" she stuck her tongue Now she is such a daddy's girl. I think every man wants a baby boy. Just hang in there. I bet things will change the second that beautiful girl is born.
    And to all the AMAZING dads on here best advice is to follow her lead. By this I mean if she seems upset or down comfort her or just let her yell. If she is super excited and happy, take her out shopping or for dinner etc. Let her know how you are feeling too. If you are nervous let her know, but be careful not to make her think u r gonna run for the hills at the first sign of trouble.
    Hope this helps :)
  • Okay guys I know I'm emotional, but ya'll just made me cry.....hard! Its nice to see daddys wanting to be included and taking, and asking for advice, that my friends is the first step to being AWESOME daddys!! Thnxs for the good thoughts this morning!!!
  • A nother tip for dads tobe, prego wemon fart,alot please dont point itout when we do, like say ohgross,,, we already know but we can not help it,,,, and I do have to agree with the others, u be are great, my first kids dad cheated an ran out on me an the baby, but I got married to a great man now and were prego, an he is lovin every min an always checks up on these messages
  • Sorry im using my phone an I spelled all kinds of stuff wrong
  • Just remeber to her how beautiful she and what a great mommy she will be. I know that makes me feel great and when my hubby just comes up and starts rubbing my belly and talking to our son just melts my heart. So give it a try. Its our first too and im loving all that
  • I just want to say that all of you are real men for stepping up and being there. My bf is also the more dominant parent sometimes I swear he's pregnant! Lol!! But seriously, it takes real men to be fathers and I just know that each and everyone of you will raise amazing children. Kudos to all.
  • To the great men, the amazing fathers.... one thing is missing from these discussions... yes take great care of her, n the baby... DO NOT forget about urselves. Be proud of what u have already accomplished by reading these comment, n hopefully put them in effect. One day a week, every other week... do something for u. Taking care of a family is hard work, take time for urselves... if we wear u out, n u make it about us 24/7, u will be of no use to us on the big day. Congrats to all of u's.
  • First time dad here expecting a little girl (kairi) im 22 and keep getting laid off I can't sleep fearing that I won't be able to support my family I am up all day suporting my 29 week prego gf and looking for work but cant sleep because of the stress any advice? Im not a dead beat or anything just trying but nothing seams to go rit...
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