Stretch marks everyhwere

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Before I got pregnant I had absolutely no stretch marks. Now I have them everywhere all over my body, my bellly, my sides, my booty, my thighs, and even my legs!! So gross I never knew u could get it on ur legs! Why di some pregnant women get em and others dont, how do u prevent em? Im so sad


  • there genetic. It depend on the amount of elatisity in your skin and some other people have more then others if you have stretchy skin then your lucky if not then you'll get em like if your mom got em your most likely to get em. Sometimess lotions can make em lighter but nothing can fully take them away unles you get a surgery
  • Aww ok. I thought it was because I gained too much weight too fast. I went from 98 prepregnant to 156. Thanks I might have to get surgery because it looks awful
  • And their red so very noticeable! I want them to turn white already so itll be less noticeable
  • Just don't scratch them it will make then scare worse. You do get stretch marks from gaining weight fast but some peoples bodies can handle it better
  • Oh ok wish I was blessed with better skin
  • I have them awful too :( it does suck because you get so excited to have your body back but u can't wear anything cute because of them. Plus my stomach looks like I lost three hundred pounds and has Pretty bad when your ob tells you that you need a tummy tuck :/ it's hard to get your self esteem back.:(
  • So do I. I've had stretch marks on my love handles since like 4th grade from gaining weight from hitting puberty and then I started getting them on my upper legs not to long ago. And I haven't even gained weight from my pregnancy yet soo I assume I'm going to get wayy more
  • Aww trust me I know how yall feel. Its very unattractive makes me sad thinking bout it, but when baby comes ill probably feel a lot better. I know alot of girls that didnt get em and was wondering what the secret is!
  • Putting on lotion at least twice a day and Mederma help prevent and minimize stretch marks. I like to see my stretch marks as nature's highlights ;)
  • Yesss they are noo fun and there's no secret they just have elasticy skin. My husband keeps telling me he's going to love me noo matter what tho and I'm still always so beautiful to him so it kind of help
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