wedding drama

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So my little sister is getting married in less than a month. Well she's always been a huge bitch that thinks she's better than everyone. My mothers cap fell off her tooth and my sister said that she can't be in any of the wedding pictures bc it would ruin her perfect day. So I called her out on being a bitch then I left. So I emailed her and told her what she said and did was wrong she needs to apologize and we can move on from it. But my sister (being oh so perfect) could never be wrong so instead she kicked me out of her wedding. And this pissed off my other sisters and called her out on it and so she kicked them out of the wedding. But what pisses me off the most is my mom is letting her get away with it because its her big day and she doesny want to miss her babys wedding. She's letting my sister treat her like that and she's mad at all of us for sticking up for her and now were not gonna be at the wedding.


  • I would have done the same
  • I would have called her out too hun! That is like bridezilla madness!!!
  • Sounds like you're better off not being in the wedding.
  • Wow I would smack her
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  • Yea I think you did the right thing maybe it just wasn't meant to be...
  • @blueberrysmom that's exactly how I feel. I'm fine without being in the wedding.
    Im a huge mommas girl. And it pisses me off that my sister has hurt her so much. I'm just in complete Aw that she still thinks she's gonna have a perfect wedding when everyone there is going to be wondering where her sisters are.
  • @mama0811 lol my sister told her that on order to have the perfect wedding she wants the bride needs to lose weight. She bought her dress 2 sizes too small to make her lose the weight and she ended up gaining weight and she's going through all these alterations to try to squeeze into the dress...but my mom can't be in the pictures because her tooth is messed up
  • @mama0811 lol my sister told her that on order to have the perfect wedding she wants the bride needs to lose weight. She bought her dress 2 sizes too small to make her lose the weight and she ended up gaining weight and she's going through all these alterations to try to squeeze into the dress...but my mom can't be in the pictures because her tooth is messed up
  • edited May 2011 stupid phone posted it
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  • I can tell you I fully agree with what you did and I 100% believe in karma! Yeah people will be talking about her but more so..."wow that dress is way to small!" Or maybe the dress will just brake on its own lol but also she will be bugged the whole time with people asking where all her sisters are at! Its gonna take attention off of her and its her own fault! You and your sisters should fully like boycot the wedding...sont talk about it,don't help her,don't go! Untill she apologizes to your mom! I would smack my sister if she did that to my mom! I'm a huge mommys girl also!
  • @mama0811 yeah she's always like this. And her fiance is a doormat and won't stand up to her and tell her to quit being dumb. He couldn't say anything to her otherwise she would kick him out of the wedding too lol.
    @2boysn1girl yeah were all boycotting it. One of my sisters lives in Hawaii and had to buy plane tickets for her and her 5 kids to go to the wedding. She is now changing the dates so they can come out when the baby comes.
  • sounds like a right brat, maybe its just super bad wedding nerves and she will realise in a few weeks when she has no one there?
  • Wow that's like one of the brides on the bridezilla show. Crazy! One day after it all blows over she will regret not having her sisters there to share in her happiness.
  • sorry your sister is a brat! there is four of us girls and my sister didn't have none of us in your wedding. well I read a poem that's it. but we r too much drama lol they won't be in mine either lol
  • I would slap the shit outta my sis if she tild my mother that, what a bitch, im sorry, makes me even more angry cause i dont hve my mom :'(
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