hubby stolen my symptoms

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I haven't had many symptoms (except major gas lol) but hubby says he feels sick and tired all the time and he can't stop weeing. Has anyone else come across this. He isn't usually Mr sympathetic but he feels a little freaked out. As far as I'm concerned he can happily keep the sickness lol x


  • I am the sick one an all he can do is sleep
  • I'm not sleeping but he sleeps like a log grr, I'm almost jealous of him cause it doesn't seem real to me x
  • Omg my fiance is having a serious chocolate problem and cravings like me!!
  • My guy is too its fumny cause he is the one gaining all the wait:)
  • Omg mine too, I look bigger but his weight is goin up too
  • My Guy is catching sum of my symptoms as well like always sleeping and picking up weight around his face and nose....but me I still look small
  • lol I swear my husband loves it when I get pregnant!! Its an excuse for him to bing and gain weight!! lol And yes, he sleeps, snoring all night while I toss and turn! Drives me crazy. I have herd of people having sympathy pains, and sharing symptems, never to quite that extreme, but i'm sure its possible!
  • @cheryl74 a lot of women wish this could happen.
  • Lol I got sick, I can't sleep and he is passed out by ten. I haven't gained weight but he has lol. In the beginning he got a little queezy. Its funny now if only they could experience labor
  • Really wish dey could go thru labor
  • My husband wakes up around 3am everday so hungry n his gaining all da weight lol
  • Lol, I just hope he keeps it up. He can happily have the pain of labour x
  • Mine has gained a little weight. He was super skinny anyway, so he's just not as defined. I'm so bloated I look like I'm 4 months already :s
  • @victorian lol, mine is being super stressy lol. How far are you x
  • Oops sorry I mean @VictoriaB x
  • @cheryl74 I'm only 10 weeks. My phone tries to say Victorian when I type my name :)
  • My baby's father text me this morning and said "I think I have morning sickness. I don't feel good at all." I literally laughed out loud. He deserves it. Such a jerk... I laugh because I feel fine!
  • Lmao, I'm sure they just want us to give them sympathy instead of them give it to us x x
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