Anyone else weirded out?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone else think its weird for a person to be moving around inside of them? It's beginning to cause me a little anxiety. Idk why?


  • edited May 2011
    I just posted about this!!!! Lol I feel the same!
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  • No this is my third and I think its awesome! Amazing to feel my baby moving around! I love it. I was actually a lil unhappy to be pregnant, but after I felt the first movements I smiled soo hard! :X
  • I'm wierded when I feel his head move side to side. It's right on my pubic line.
  • I smile too, sometimes, lol, but its weird. A whole person inside of my tummy and its gonna get bigger.
  • How far along are you all?
  • That's what makes us so emotional too, knowing we are responsible for growing a human. When things go wrong, it's hard emotionally not to blame yourself. When they are born healthy, we sob tears of joy.
    Mom's just rock!
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  • Me!!!! I just saw my belly hop for the first time on Saturday and it was exciting and disturbing all at once!!! :-((
    I've always thought it was super creepy to have a spine and fingernails developing inside of another human being!
  • These comments are making it worse, lol. Hopefully this anxiety will pass.
  • I love feeling my babies move. I'm 34 weeks and my son is still really active. He's so big in that small space it makes me jump sometimes.
  • Awww mistylou! It will be ok! Actually yout not alone, I know alot of woman who felt like you hun.
  • Yes! It kinda creeps me out when they move around alot, the feeling is just weird, lol. Glad I'm not the only one who feels like this.
  • @Jaime77 thanks a lot. Just glad im not alone.
  • So not alone! I mean on one hand I like feeling it cuz it reassures me everything is ok, but on the other I feel like the guy in space balls who has the alien rip its way out of his belly singin, 'Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my rag time gal!' Lmao!
  • Weirded out? Yep. At first I loved it because it was reassurance (16 wks 4 days), but over the past 2 wks it's slowly become weirder to me (18 wks 5 days).
  • @calebsmommy and @BOWsMommy yall do understand. Its definitely reassurance. This is my 2nd pregnancy and the first was twins and I don't recall feeling this way then. Guess its a mind thing.
  • Probably. I feel like my body hasn't been mine for 3 months. Going on 19 wks and still experiencing morning sickness every few days or so. Haven't slept well since January. I wanted to be pregnant so badly and now that I am it has NOT been enjoyable, for the most part.
  • I think the feeling of her movinh is weird and seeing my belly move is weird. Pregnancy is weird to me in general ha but I love that its my baby girl
  • I thank God for my gift. It's a bit overwhelming with all of the changes @BOWsMommy. Sorry you're still dealing with morning sickness. That sucks.
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