anyone have blurred vision and excess saliva

edited February 2011 in Health
I read these to be early pregnancy symptoms but their not as common as the whole sore breasts and morning sickness ordeal. Any input ladies ?


  • I got blurred vision wen I got pregnant
    I can't really drive at night anymore. And dizzyness.
  • Blurred vision iz 1 of my symptoms I dnt hve da xtra saliva but im tld dat I snore n iz excessively loud.
  • I had both. I usually salivated a lot right before I puked. My vision was bad to begin with tho.
  • I have so much saliva that I have to get up nd spit a lot
  • I had nausea and would have alot of saliva with it.
  • With my last 2 babys i have the saliva problem. It was so gross. I had to constantly spit or i would throw up. Its so so so gross!
  • I get the blurred vision when I get dizzy and had excess saliva in the beginning
  • Both here too lol its normal
  • I have blurred vision n dizzyness. Sumtimes wen I b at wrk it feels like Im jus gonna faint n gt short breath
  • I didn't have the blurred vission but I do have the saliva problem I spit lit every 2 minutes even if I didn't have to vomit.....
  • Eww i HATE the saliva!! So nasty!
  • Yea I have.... Its nornal. To have blurred vision...
  • I told my hubby to go but me the suction tool that the dentists use. I have saliva all day it gross!!
  • Lately I been like that with the saliva! Yuckkk its grosss especially when im brushing my teethh. It feels like its never ending. Sorrryyy ladies. Lol yuckkyy
  • I've had both. Are you having really ad morning sickness? My doc told me that the extra saliva will cause morning sickness to be alot worst and that it would probably last my whole pregnancy and to chew lots of gum.
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