June babies? Hows ur pregnancy going so far!



  • Heart burn!!!! :'(
  • Oh I hear you on the heartburn!! I never got heartburn until I was pregnant with my daughter...I didn't even know what it was! Lol with this one I get it at least once a day....but totally worth it!!!
  • I know.... lol.... it just seems like I get it right when I lay down....
    What are you having?
  • We find out on Monday! Im so excited! I found out with my daughter at 20 weeks and with this one I have to wait until 22 weeks! Lol seems like forever! I have a feeling this is another girl though! =)
  • Heartburns:.Your having a hairy bebe... awww cute
  • 22 weeks :) soooo excited and nervous! She kicked today right after lunch when I was relaxing :) such an awesome feeling
  • @betty
    ^.^ my daughter was hairy.... lol and I had awful heartburn
  • Due June 28th with first child. Ultrasound on Feb. 8th to determine sex :) it probably is a boy since girls are rare in husbands family!
  • Im due june 29th palomita and i find out what im havin on the 8th as well we r super excited
  • @randirose2011 yay!! I'm so excited for you! Will this be your first too?? The 28th is my moms birthday hopefully it will come early or later!
  • Update- its another baby girl!!! YAY!!!
  • Hello I'm due june 17th and I'm having a boy
  • Hi all u other June mommies! Due June 22nd with my first. Going to find out sex on Feb 10th. Suffer from chronic pancreantitis and have had several flare ups since being pregnant....docs say pregnancy can cause it to worsen. We are being moved to Germany (hubby is military, so have to go where the army sends us, lol) in the end of March. This pregnancy been one thing after another, but after 4 years trying for this baby, I'd endure this 20 X's over for the amazing end result of a healthy baby. Hope everyone else's pregnancy is more uneventful, lol, and I look forward to getting to know ya'll over the next few months. FYI-at nearly 20wks, I still haven't felt movement either, but with all my Dr visits, I know he or she is healthy and active, so as long as I can hear and see the babys ok, I can deal with the lack of feeling for now.
  • My do date is June 25 my pregnancy so far is cool no nausea just back pains and tiredness
  • Im starting to feel movement and i find out what im havin feb 8th super excited want a boy already have my girl and im due on june 29th
  • June 19 my due date.I'm having a girl. My pregnancy has been hard. My back is extremely sore.no sex drive. And realy tired. Its my first baby and I'm really excited.
  • Hi everyone. I'm new to this sight. I'm due June 13th with my 4th daughter. Her name is Sophia Zayree. I'm so excited but also very nervous. My youngest will be 12 when this baby comes.
  • My pregnancy is going pretty fast
  • heyy everyone! im a first time mom and im due 6.3.11 im very excited! and the baby just be moving around and hitting me lol its so weird.
  • Dd 6/6/11...this will be #5 for us...lil girl....this pregnancy has had its ups n downs...its getting tougher as each day passes..more tired..n i feel more of the aches n pains..25 weeks...wish me luck...!!
  • Junemommy2b- im due june 10 also but im having a girl. Im doing fine other than heartburn and lower back pain every once in a while.
  • Due June 17th with a baby boy. My first baby and a little scared. Very excited for him to make his debut to te world. Exhausted and uncomfortable.
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