She turned!!!! My baby girl is 6lbs 3oz with 4 weeks and 5 days still to go!!!! And i am dialated to 1!!!! Yay!!! Even though i'll probably stay there for a month i'm still so excited!!!!!
I never thought it was painful at all just like @4woodbabies said, more uncomfortable and lots of pressure. I hope your little one turned hun!!! I hope mine did too, I think she did, but we find out for sure in a week at my 36 week appointment. Good luck hun!! You're almost there!!
I don't get checked until next week, jealous! It hurt with my first pregnancy but probably just because I was on bedrest and didn't have any sex or anything after 28 weeks. I'm sure to
@MommyOfTwoPrincesses I know I told my bf to get ready cause next sunday i'm gonna start doin everything i can to get her here well without any meds or anything. @onemoreontheway how far along are you?
I gave up after trying anything to make them come out after my first. Lol I tried everything except castor (sp?) Oil and nothing worked.....she was 8 days late and I had a medical induction. So im just hoping this little girl comes a little bit before her due date.
@MommyOfTwoPrincesses I'm hoping my baby girl comes May 23rd but since it's my first and i was 5days late and her daddy was 14 days late i doubt it happens
lol that is great just one week apart. But I will be induced on June 1st if I make it that far, YAY. and my first post got messed up and i meant to continue on saying.. I'm sure you will be fine, being a uncomfortable for a couple moments is totally worth finding out what is going on down there
Im 30weeks today, and my appointment is on the 19th an I have no idea what will happen then ,all I know is after this one he will see me every 2weeks,,,,,my first baby came early by 2weeks so I hope I dont have to wait long for this one too cus im huge and he is really low
My first son was 3 weeks early and weighed 9 pounds 3 oz causing complications during delivery and a uterine infection keeping us in the hospital for 10 extra days. I have the same doctor and we are trying to avoid another chubby boy. I'm one of those people that gains 22 pounds and still has a giant baby somehow lol.
Just uncomfortable. Had my ultrasound today to see how big my baby is since she keeps measuring big. Weights approximately 9 lbs :-S. I've only gained 30 lbs at 38 wks.
@onemoreontheway how far along are you?
@onemoreontheway Why are you being induced if you don't mind me asking.
@MrsLaMaster Maybe you won't have to wait to long.