can i handel??

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Im so afraid of birth...anyone has storys to share?? I afraid of needles i learnd to handel iv but gowz the epadural?? I wana try naturl cuz i afraid of the big needle yet i kwnow i cant take much pain?? How was the epidural?? Can anyone shate the experience?? Do u really feel the big needle??


  • Omg sorry all the misspelld wordz just saw it
  • I had a great 1st birthing experience. I was able to go natural at 18yo. At 24 I had an epidural, the needle didn't hurt. It was the medication that stung a lil. Try taking a birthing class. It can shows breathing, and focusing techniques to calm you. Remember if you go in petrified, your more likely to freak yourself out to the point you can't focus on pushing.
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  • I had the epidural with both my girls. I hat needles and you don't feel it or see it. With my second I had no choose when too long with my water broken. But with my last daughter I got it because I was in so much pain do to back problums. With my son who is the oldest I did it with iv meds which just took the edge off. People say epidurals slow things down but I will tell you that's not true. Not with me anyways
  • Thankz ladies makez me feel alot better we see wen the day comez how everyting happenz,im just gona keep in mind my bby girl will be out...(:
  • The epidural is the best. Haha. I hate needles also but those contractions were killing me. But I suggest if you can handle the contractions then go natural but if not, the epidural isn't that bad at all.
  • @mama_taysha11 I feel the same way never had kids and daily I think bout the pain... and I am also scared because me and my mom almost passed when she was giving birth to me she told me that story years ago and I think about it all the time. :( ... I wish you nothing but the best during your labor!!!
  • Thankz i jusst keep in my head ill be better wen itz all over(:
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