idk if my fiance is pregnant please help!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
My fiance has really tender breasts and her nipples have gotten darker. She's had stomach cramps and some brown discharge. She also has back pains, has to urinate frequently, and her face has completely broken out. She took a 1st response pregnancy test this morning and it came back negative :( but her period isn't due till Thursday so could it still be to early to tell?


  • It could be, and from the sounds of it she may be. The brown discharge could be implantation
  • I didn't test positive till after two missed periods so keep up the hope
  • Okay good. This would be our 1st child and we've been ttc for 4 months now
  • All I have to say is prepare for some really big changes and yea it is to early try it the day her period supposed to start or the following day
  • Okay well I really hope it was just to early because me and my fiance really want a baby. We will try again Thursday night or friday
  • Yes you will have a better chance then if not at least a very faint positive......good luck sending a lot of baby dust your way
  • I would I took,my test the day after I was supposed to start. Good luck to you! Was the test one of the early days one?
  • Yes it was an early response one according to the box it says it can detect the hormone 6 days early but idk I'm just keeping my hopes up
  • Make sure she uses her first mornings urine when she tests again and make sure she doesn't drink a ton the night before, it gives you a more accurate result. Best of luck!! Baby dust to you!
  • edited February 2011
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  • Yay! I hope u guys are :) keep us posted
  • Thanks everyone :)
  • Get SN early preggo test u can tell 5 days early
  • still negative results :(
  • Don't lose hope like I said it took me two missed periods to gets a positive hpt
  • Okay I sure hope you guys are right
  • It's frustrating trust I kno I was getting nauseous and peeing constantly but kept getting negative results just keep the hope alive
  • Did she have anything like implantation bleeding
  • 3 or 4 days ago she had brown spotting in her underwear and that entire day complained of an upset tummy and a very sore and crampy back
  • Sounds like that might have been implantation if so it could be a lil bit before u get a positive hpt
  • My mother n law was never able to get a pos. On a preg test. She had to take the blood test u get from Ur ob. There is hope. If they keep coming neg I would have that done there more sensitive as well
  • i had my implantation sept 14th my next period was supposed to be sept 28th i took a test the 8th of oct it was negative took another on the 18th of oct was negative. waited till nov 3rd tested again and it was finally positive rushed over to urgent care to confirm. it just might take a lil bit to get a positive hpt
  • Go to the dollar tree and get a few only a dollar. I took a first response which was negative and took one from the dollar tree and it came positive
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