not tryna start anything but

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I post questions on here & hardly none of them gets answered. I'm a ftm & I understand no1 on here is a Dr. I just wna tlk to other women tht r pregnant just like me. It just makes me upset wen I see other ppl cmntn on other threads tht hve nthn to do w/pregnancy. Sometimes I wonder why am I here? Lol


  • Hi, I have 5 kids and one one the way, so I have SOME knowledge of pregnancy... nobody knows EVERYTHING... so if you have any questions, i'll try my best to answer them!
  • @babynumbersix thanks a lot at least someone cares lol
  • I get what u mean. I don't hardly ask questions because id rather ask my dr, i think i just come on for the company and entertainment. And opinions sometimes lol. Its just nice to come on and talk to other human beings that have something in common with me when I'm bored or lonely, which is most of the time lol
  • Sorry .... you feel like that mama if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.... and pregnant lol... inbox me mama I try to reply to as many threads when I'm on here
  • It happens to everyone I posted a topic yesterday not one response....don't take it personal
  • That happen to me w/ a name advise? ...only got a few responses...but yea..
  • @less525
    I have 2 kids already w twins on the way.... I constantly research and read Dr's papers that get posted on the internet. I'll help too if I can. @babynumbersix you should be an OB!!! Good luck!!
  • Alot of the ladies on here care, its just that when the same subject is posted several times, they get tired of answering them (even if you are new or weren't aware of previous posts)... im sorry your concerns weren't addressed ):
  • I try to. But a lot of times I miss discussions.
  • I get what u mean lol but im a ftm too n u just wanna talk to other prego women for advice on some things
  • Thanks everybody..I think I'm just gna post random things as the subject so ppl can read it Lmao
  • Exactly @dliz_21 Ughh lol
  • @mommyof4girls ty! And I could never be an ob... vagina diving does NOT tickle my fancy.. lol... and though I've had so many, they were all pretty routine and I was induced and had an epi with all of them, so anything outside of that realm is new to me too!
  • The thing is is that lots of people post and unless someone who knows something about your specific topic and see it quickly it gets pushed further down the list until its off the first page. Which I hate to say but I don't look past that to often. I'm using on my phone by the way. So I don't know if its different on the computer. I would say if you post and no one answers try to post again. Also I know if I don't have a good answer or if I don't know or if I have nothing nice to say I don't reply to peoples posts. Good luck though and keep at it. You are right though controversial topics get many more post then legitimate questions. It sucks but unfortunately many people in this world just love to stir the pot!
  • I've gotten use to it... Sad to say. :(
  • Lol well if u need to talk im here lol I get bored half the time anyways lol being pregnant is great but not much to do
  • I completely agree. I post on everyone elses discussions, but mine are all ignored.
  • @steeny thanks a lot..Im just on here wen I get bored & wen no1 replys back, it makes me more bored lol
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  • It has a lot to do with the title. I try to answer when it's something I know
  • ur not alone sweetie...happened to me couple times. but now im used to it...I try to get my answers from my Doc more now and just come here to help out and chat with the mamas...i try to answer as much as I can. hopes it goes better for u hun!
  • Oh I hear ya. @Less525 it sucks you want answers and something to do and you see all these stupid posts about am I pregnant? Or idk other ones. I have noticed too if one person gives a good answer no one wants to repeat it. I like to hear different opinions. But I kinda understand giving the same answer is boring. My fav posts are the food ones lol it makes me feel not so bad about all the junk I eat lol. Good luck though I hope your questions get answered!
  • like others mentioned...try to post ur question with an interesting subject that way it will catch people's attention. :)
  • @steeny I hear ya on the food posts...or natural labor posts but those can get scetchy at times.
  • Srryy yhu feel thtt way jusd hit me && I return thee love
  • @Less525 I completely understand, i feel the same way thats why I try and go to the post that seem like no one is answering too. I figure one comment is better then none and I hope for the same consideration. :)
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