what are some ways to help go into labor?

I am almost 37weeks. I'm just curious to know all these different ways..& oh also if its safe?


  • 38wks will be the safest to start trying to hurry on the process in my opinion. But squats and sex and stairs.
  • I just bought evening primrose capsules. today. I'm 36 weeks but I'm being induced in three weeks on the 23rd . I just wana be super ready so my labor goes fast!
  • Ya I was planning to start at 38 weeks.& ill be sure to try that(:
  • @Angieface: why are you being induced?what are those capsules for?
  • edited May 2011
    I'm being induced because I have had high blood pressure. I have it undercontrol now though.Also my baby is already 7 lbs and I am close to having preeclampsia. I am 35 and this is my fourth baby. Evening primrose helps ripen your cervix.@sammy_mariahs_mommy
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  • You can drink raspberry tea as well it is supposed to help your uterus be more effective.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm 38 wks and really don't want to try castor oil..has anyone tried eating eggplant and if so did it help?
  • Yup... A lot of walking, stair master, and sex will do it..
  • I ate pineapple and went to the park on the swings and roundabout and ran around with my first daughter, I went into labour that night x
  • Castro Oil helped for me and my sisters!
  • Fresh pineapple, hot curry, raspberry leaf tea, lots of sex, nipple stimulation, walking
  • Baby will come out when it is ready. I understand that pregnancy can suck at times but I'm really worried about how it seems that every week there is a new post about how to bring on labor it really isn't safe. If there was a medical reason to induce your doctor would do it.
  • I don't think the ones I mentioned can hurt anything, my midwife told me about them all and encouraged them from 37 weeks if we wanted to try them
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